Example sentences of "the [adj] [verb] of " in BNC.

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1 Cramped and cold in his hide , he listened as the sounds of the day fell from him into silence one by one , until he could hear the measured pacing of the watch on the walk between the gate-towers .
2 On some coals drawn to the side of the neat little fire , strips of meat were laid to grill : with the subtle savour of wood smoke they spread a most provocative smell on the still air .
3 The muscular derring-do of our film heroes inspired us to imitative feats of climbing , usually trees ; and their prowess in stalking and sniffing out was echoed in our exploration of sombre , dingy and often damp places .
4 Is it a major historical turning-point , implying the complete re-fashioning of the economy , of production and of the geography of production ?
5 That the archbishop of the prestigious see of Milan , graced by St Ambrose and St Charles Borromeo , should not be made a cardinal looked like a deliberate snub .
6 It was not so much a guidance note as a review ; the Committee 's terms of reference had been to consider the design and layout most appropriate to various types of roads in built-up areas , with due regard to safety , the free Mow of road traffic , economy and the requirements of town planning , and to make recommendations .
7 On 12 September 1375 the pope awarded Wakefield the lesser see of Worcester , his share of the spoils carved out between royal and papal envoys at the concordat of Bruges ; this superseded an election by the chapter of their prior , supposedly confirmed by the king .
8 To meet the immediate problems , the vital priorities were the proper progressing of the manufacture of designs for nearly 6000MW of plant planned or under construction by the former undertakings , and the acceleration of work in progress on sites .
9 The cheapest to deliver of these bonds is the bond that gives the greatest implied repo rate to the short from a cash-and-carry ( or cost-of-carry ) transaction , i.e. a strategy of buying the bond ( with borrowed funds ) in the cash market and selling it into the futures market .
10 ft was the mindless pacing of a caged animal .
11 Truth , justice , charity itself demanded the rigorous safeguarding of property dedicated to God and the saints .
12 The final route climbed of the selection made here , was the steep eliminate of Absolution ( E5 ) , fittingly pioneered in 1987 by sea cliff virtuoso Pat Littlejohn .
13 This is what applied mathematics should be about ; not the fallacious misproofs of Stoke 's theorem or the relentless linearisation of the nonlinear that put me off applied mathematics for 15 years .
14 In other terms , knowing is not represented as the direct experiencing of a phenomenon here , but rather , as with the passive of perceptual verbs , as the condition for attibuting a characteristic to someone .
15 It is probably ample to accommodate the spontaneous arising of DNA or RNA .
16 This is because those two theories postulate a particular event — the spontaneous arising of a self-replicating entity — as occurring only once in about a billion years , once per aeon .
17 Its mood of self-confident chauvinism galvanized the nation , however little the British knew of the culture , economy , history , or even postage stamps of the distant Falklands and its population of just 1,200 sheep-farmers and their dependants .
18 The British complained of arrogance and aggressive self-seeking .
19 Recent surveys show a significant improvement in the opinion the French have of nuclear power , but also show that a small minority remains stubbornly opposed to it .
20 In the meantime , said Thorfinn , since the western portion of Lothian adhering to the lands of Strathclyde and Cumbria and the old see of Glasgow had never , as he understood it , been in dispute , he intended to dispose of the land there as he thought best , with such fortifications as he considered necessary to preserve order .
21 The six accused of her kidnap and attempted murder are Glynn James Powell , 28 , Jeanne Powell , 25 , Jeffrey Stuart Leigh , 26 , Bernadette McNeilly , 23 , plus two boys aged 16 and 17 .
22 Readiness for war , as well as the actual waging of war , becomes a principal political concern , military leaders acquire a more prominent place in the political system , and the economy is geared increasingly to military needs , giving rise to what has been called the ‘ military-industrial complex ’ as one of the main centres of power and of economic growth .
23 The fact that we give each other little clues , invitations and propositions , gives a transparency to our motives , but it also builds excitement and suspense about the actual unveiling of each coming together .
24 The actual arranging of transactions with a counterparty in the UK is also not covered ; however , the better view is that arrangements are only made in the UK if the overseas person physically comes into the UK and , if he does not , the overseas person exemption is , therefore , not needed .
25 But if we look at what we now know to be the case — which is that Saddam Hussein has an enormous war machine , that he was a tremendous threat in the region — how , without going to war , and through the mere sustaining of sanctions , do you reduce that threat ?
26 The mere recounting of difficult feats , here of forensic science though any arduous achievement will do , well told in unfolding detail will grip a reader nine times out of ten .
27 Thus , the separation theorem holds that there are only two portfolios in equilibrium ; the first composed of n risky assets and the second composed of the risk-free asset .
28 The second thinks of it as a canvas to be made the most of ; yet another surface to decorate or ornament .
29 What English words do the second set of phrases remind you of ?
30 The second died of one of that class of terrible diseases which are the invariable consequences of habitual drinking ; and the third of apoplexy .
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