Example sentences of "the [noun] [noun pl] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 An approximation to the response curves which is sometimes used is where Q is the irradiance , P is the actual photosynthesis and a the maximum photosynthesis at irradiance Q. Finally a/b is the initial slope of the curve and hence the efficiency .
2 The response results I have outlined indicate that this variation can extend even to the decision of whether a particular passage or set of words is assigned to the SF genre or not .
3 Their utility functions may remain unchanged , but the income constraints which now confront them have altered .
4 ‘ Lessened inequalities ’ ( possibilities 1–6 ) is a type of social democratic perspective of retaining the market but reducing the income inequalities it generates in good measure .
5 Also , if you emphasise the arpeggio tones it will sound more like a D minor scale rather than a C major — or any other mode , for that matter .
6 In the daytime streets he feels a foreigner .
7 Viewed overall , only half the minister 's members are now regarded as experienced in the park purposes they are appointed to present .
8 The apprentice boys whom Grimes mistreats are attendant angels of his fallen state .
9 Apart from the vandalism problems they 've had , where whole trainload of cars have been stripped of the radios .
10 In the calculator tests there were questions on money , measures and some number pattern items involving addition and multiplication .
11 It sucked then and sucks now although , voilà ! , it is excused by the New-Age tossers who dig ambient stuff .
12 Clearly at the state of the talks with the T & G , we still have a long long way to go to reach this new goal and there 's a strong rumour that there has been discussions between Sir John Edmunds and Lord Bill Morris the name of the new union already and I think an apt title for the union at the moment would be Yugoslavia because we 're in ethnic groups , we are sections , we 've got the boiler makers who are still claiming things they lost ten years ago when they merged .
13 The Taylor sisters who were convicted of murdering Alison were freed after the appeal court described coverage of their case as sensationalized and inaccurate .
14 It said it one of the guitar magazines I use my all the time before , before winding up for a gig , and all this sees for wrecking one of the guitars !
15 The fact that magnesium atoms are smaller than the calcium atoms they replaced has let to a reduction in the volume of the rock .
16 There is usually a painless swelling of the lymph glands which drain the area of the primary sore .
17 More problems at gigs for THE HOTHOUSE FLOWERS who , as their album is currently hogging the Australian Number One spot , are encountering Corks-Around-Hats mayhem Down Under .
18 Copersucar , the Brazilian sugar giant and Emerson 's chief sponsor , found itself in serious political trouble when it turned out that it was indirectly financing the vigilante groups who kept Sao Paulo in a state of severe political repression during those years .
19 The CDP explored ways of countering what many of its members considered the continuing , excessive domination of the relationship by the subject boards , which were often — in spite of the tensions involved — seen in a more positive light by academic staff , appreciative of the peer contacts they entailed .
20 The Wellington crews who were trained here came from all over the world .
21 Members of Darlington Dental Society arranged the session with Conservative Michael Fallon to discuss the funding plans which have caused outcry among dentists .
22 Gold and silver owe their nobility to the fact that unlike the base metals they retain their brightness and lustre for an indefinite period in a pure atmosphere .
23 The values are obtained from the proportion of the base groups who are in the non-base categories of the response variables .
24 The structure of the complex also shows evidence for recognition by the repressor of sequence-dependent distortions or flexibility of the phosphodiester backbone , which could mediate sequence specificity where the base pairs themselves are inaccessible .
25 Nor are the blight years which affected potato crops in about one year in three , in the not so distant past .
26 The Pringle lairds who built and occupied the tower had frequently been beset by reivers from Tynedale and Redesdale , who on one occasion took away with them 600 cattle , 100 horses and 100 prisoners .
27 The serpent questions what God had said , then calls God a liar .
28 But abolitionists also had to face powerful arguments formulated by slave trading interests in terms of the national interest of the commerce by the mercantilist criteria which underpinned much existing commercial legislation .
29 Further development of the programme and of the role of the Community Mother is possible , though within the present structures there is a danger that it could become a mere extension of the health services , with the Community Mother as a low-waged employee , losing voluntary status , altering motivation and reducing their effectiveness as change agents , becoming as Gill Walt concludes about Community Health Workers in many countries , ‘ just another pair of hands ’ rather than the change agents they were claimed to be .
30 Thus , the change masters I studied had to build a coalition in order to find the backers or ‘ power sources ’ to provide information , support , and resources for their projects .
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