Example sentences of "the [noun] [conj] we " in BNC.

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1 The view that he changes is not usually very considered and , from his short statement , he has clearly not studied in depth either of the judgments that we are discussing today .
2 First thing is to make sure that you get an opportunity to discuss it and I agree other people who actually res responded in seem to collect the fee and I am not paid to collect the fee to try to make it very difficult for people to respond but nevertheless the numbers that we , I think in terms of other areas , other areas , the response that we got it is a bit ironic though to sit here in the afternoon having listened in the morning to a lovely discussion which was agonising three hundred , five hundred thousand for on traffic calming .
3 ‘ We had over two inches of frosty snow on our sleeping bags as it kept blowing in the tent and we could n't close the door properly .
4 Now , the defences that we 're involved in er are taking conveyance .
5 Now , shall we forget about it and concentrate on enjoying the Park while we are still allowed in it ? ’
6 No we saw we saw the people in the park when we walked down did n't we ?
7 We can easily walk there and we can come in the front we can come in the front gates of the park and we do n't have to go up great big steep hills do we ?
8 I am grateful for the opportunity that we have been afforded by my hon. Friend the Member for Eccles ( Miss Lestor ) to debate an extremely important subject .
9 We did n't make enough of the opportunity that we had er in the attacking third .
10 Secondly the , the constraint reduces the opportunity that we have to pursue the ethical investment policies which will have regard to the aims and objectives of the Council as a whole , and then lastly there is the matter of practicality .
11 But the fact has to be faced that these are a minority , for the trials of old age can have a crippling effect on some relationships , and it is the various problems of the majority that we are examining here .
12 Now I do n't expect you to play like the pros because we spend many hours working on every aspect of our game .
13 You will have noticed in the circulars that we have launched our first theme — Customer Service ( circular AD/93/105 ) .
14 The weakness that we 've identified is that because we 're new we have n't learnt the game .
15 The reduction that we found in 1992 , in both gonorrhoea and HIV infection , is heartening , but vigorous and continuing health promotion will be necessary to continue this trend .
16 ‘ But there is plenty of scope for drawing the crowds if we produce the right brand of football and the results . ’
17 It 's important to stress the relationship with Social Services , in that the Agency staff who link the very wide range of people from Social Services , often those people who hold local budgets and are in a position , using the funding that we have allocated to diverse things , to come up with creative solutions for , for er , keeping people at home rather than in , in institutional care .
18 Er , yes I agree the funding that we provide at the moment , seventeen thousand I think , er i in in we 've already committed erm for for wh for the coming year , is small but it is because of the example , because er people who wish to m er erm promote cycling schemes and cycling policies within South Cambridgeshire , within the county council can identify the example that we have been setting that hypothecated budget aimed at cycling have been er directed this way and have been spent amicably , constructively , sensibly by cycling working parties .
19 Chairman , the salmon sheets , if you 're happy with the base that we start from .
20 Now , in effect , that 's moving directly against the direction that we want to go in , we want to make greater use of domiciliary er , initiatives for young people , you have another paper on your agenda about teen care , which is showing what can be achieved with the most difficult youngsters .
21 I 'm not saying necessarily in response to that resolution , but at least in the direction that we were hoping .
22 The checks that we make are quick but thorough as we take our responsibilities seriously-no one wants to add to an existing debt problem .
23 Now that may not be the best way to have structured it , but some of the checks that we 're imposing at the moment are not necessary to put on paper .
24 I remember wandering with Donald somewhere in the East End after we 'd been to the Whitechapel and we saw a group of teddies standing round two middle-aged Indians .
25 I 've had the bollocking cos we 've had to buy butter .
26 But it is from after the change that we have evidence for Councillors like Kleon and the fourth-century Athenian Demosthenes whose year on the Council fell at improbably convenient moments for their political careers ; this makes one suspect corruption , a suspicion strengthened by Aischines ' direct accusation that Demosthenes bribed his way onto the Council in 346 ( iii.62 ) .
27 We have sent out more than 1 million letters to individual customers to advise them of the change that we are making and the benefits inquiry line has provided back-up information for those who have received such letters .
28 We concluded , after long and careful thought , that it was right to make the change that we announced earlier this week .
29 We hope that their experience of both SCOTVEC and centres will strengthen the systems verifier team and increase the support that we give to centres .
30 Also vital is the support that we give to exports and trade abroad when British companies are involved .
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