Example sentences of "that far [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We have progressed that far at least , Alexei thought .
2 It was n't all that far below us when it stopped . ’
3 Lambert realized that far below the barrage was still pounding away ; that the observers reports were still going down the telephone wire , correcting ranges and bearings , selecting new targets from the shop window of the British Front .
4 Yeremi knew the catechism of the Imperial Cult by heart ; and that was the rock of his faith — a faith to the effect that far beyond Trazior hive , and far beyond Necromunda and its bilious sun , was one who watched divinely from afar , one who had already rescued the galaxy from terrible strife , and whose incomprehensible mind surveyed and sifted , ever vigilant , the terrible redemptory Godfather of All .
5 I should think that Opposition Members normally get that far into a document .
6 Of course , nobody has gone that far into space and sampled stardust to come back with a bag full of diamonds .
7 She remembered the glint of steel in his eyes last night , and she knew then that she would be lucky if he allowed her to get that far into explaining anything .
8 His book undoubtedly fills a need ; it may , besides , make you wonder whether we have most of us come all that far since the days of Babbage , the true father of the computer , who recorded in his memoirs that he often used to be asked by the mandarins of the English establishment , when they came to view his difference engine : ‘ Pray , Mr Babbage , if you put into the machine wrong figures , will the right answers come out ? ’
9 As I say , I 've always been like it that far for ages .
10 There is no need to go quite that far with the pop scribes of this world , but the principle is worth keeping in mind .
11 A a at the time , they were trying to get this place looked at and surveyed , and everything to get it , you know to see what they could do about it , get it closed down , but er they had n't got that far with that then .
12 The highest nobility were only very few in numbers , so that when we speak of their hold upon military commands we must , consciously or not , include those who had inherited relatively low noble rank or who had only risen that far through their own efforts .
13 ‘ I ca n't believe Hugo Kemp put his head that far above the trench . ’
14 Foinavon was plodding along towards the rear , but not that far behind the favourite Honey End , whose jockey Josh Gifford had not been tempted by the furious early pace and who was still running well within himself .
15 This is in spite of 1992 being the tenth anniversary of shareware 's conception — not that far behind the IBM PC itself .
16 I ‘ m not all that far behind them , in the end .
17 It 's when they start getting round to looking at our facility agreements , start looking at how we 're organizing , the councillors , even if it 's the Labour Council as it is Manchester , will soon cotton on to the , in the , soon cotton to their , their , their potential power in terms of threatening our ability to organize and UNISON wo n't actually be that far behind persuading them to do , to do that because they want to see the G M B getting smashed in local authorities up and down the country which means as far as I can see , we need some resources coming in to assist in our branches with local authority membership pretty damn quick , because otherwise we , come July the first , we 're gon na find we 'll be up against it .
18 When Newton had progressed that far in the programme , following a path that had presented itself as more or less necessary from the outset , he began to be concerned about the match between his theory and observation .
19 It is wholly unnecessary to go that far in the present case and I would not for a moment suggest that the common law of England is bound or even likely to follow every twist of the development of the common law in the United States .
20 A former Labour Prime Minister got that far in his thinking in the 1970s when he pointed out that one could not have high inflation and lots of employment and that high inflation would reduce rather than increase the number of jobs .
21 ‘ Or did n't you get that far in your anatomy lessons ? ’
22 ‘ I have n't even got that far in the analysis of this new theory but it only adds to my doubts about it all anyway .
23 I ca n't get that far in it
24 Engels re-echoes The German Ideology in showing that far from the State being the repository of justice , it is the repository of exploitation , but here he does this by use of genuine anthropological materials .
25 He said that far from privatising the health service , he was aiming to ‘ pose a very real problem for the private sector and serious competition for them ’ .
26 I understand she was found not all that far from her parents ' house ?
27 He had come that far from Thirkett after all .
28 Thus County Armagh Free Presbyterians , looking back on the explosives cases and the charges laid against Free Presbyterians , recollected that far from supposing these people might be guilty and hence in need of church discipline , they assumed their innocence and believed that the charges were just another part of the plot to discredit Paisleyism .
29 Goebbels 's rhetoric that ‘ the German people has never looked up to its Führer so full of belief as in the days and hours that it became aware of the entire burden of this struggle for our life ’ , and that far from being discouraged ‘ it stood all the more firmly and unerringly behind his great aims ’ , sounded even emptier than usual .
30 As we swung in a hammock by the fire he explained that far from being a subversive organization , the Hui was actually a preserver of traditions .
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