Example sentences of "somewhere near the " in BNC.

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1 It had sounded to him as if the shot had come from somewhere near the pools .
2 Make a note of this somewhere near the beginning of your diary .
3 So once I had passed through the obligatory outskirts of post-war , multi-storey housing estates and entered a labyrinth of blackened buildings in canyon-like streets with traffic jammed solid , I knew I had to be somewhere near the town centre .
4 Somewhere near the top must come the so-called ‘ demographic time-bomb ’ .
5 About two years ago I had fitted , for an embarrassingly large sum , a secondhand dies-at a very reputable L/R specialist situated somewhere near the present end of the M65 .
6 It perhaps seems the easiest problem to tackle if the viewer also is located somewhere near the top ( e.g. a foreign advisor , international academic , or senior bureaucrat or politician in the country involved ) .
7 But I think he was somewhere near the disaster .
8 The pattern of the Sunday School preceding the church is a common one and the rapid growth of this School from small beginnings , together with the increasing numbers of the Thomas Street Society , led to the providing of a wooden building , called the Tabernacle , somewhere near the present Eden Avenue in 1869 .
9 ‘ You will find her somewhere near the summerhouse , ’ she said , as he rose to leave .
10 According to the Malawian government if three large-scale projects were initiated along the lines of the Upper Livulezi pilot project , each serving up to 25 000 people Malawi could get somewhere near the decade target .
11 The power that this greater control over technology gives men lies somewhere near the root of many of the problems which beset women both inside and outside the workplace , yet until recently it is a subject that has been strangely neglected .
12 We were somewhere near the centre of town .
13 On the train journey , it came up somewhere near the Prestonpans Power Station , but it was no use trying to mention that . ]
14 Testicles start life in an unborn baby somewhere near the kidneys and descend into the scrotum ( ball bag ) at birth .
15 A long , thin brunette sat on another bean-bag very close to her , staring down at a focus somewhere near the edge of the blonde 's left thigh .
16 The maximum diameter of this window , at the equator , is about 150° of longitude — so for the satellite to be able , say , to ‘ see ’ Singapore on the very western periphery of what one might call ‘ the economists ’ Pacific' — a definition we will consider m- a moment — its window must end in the east somewhere near the longitude of Mexico City .
17 ‘ So I am somewhere near the truth ? ’
18 There had been an office somewhere near the Corniche : tall rooms with charts on the walls , Arab coffee in tiny cups , secretaries smiling , silent …
19 Some of the more dress-conscious horsemen ordered a special kind of trimming on the leg — an inlet or gusset of black velvet , running from the bottom of the trousers , on the outside , and tapering to a point somewhere near the knee .
20 I mean , if the bandits on the way here were anything to go by ( ‘ here' , if you want to look it up in your schoolgirl atlas , is somewhere near the Mocapra ) why should the Indians keep their word ?
21 There was a burning sensation somewhere near the pit of his stomach .
22 He had n't been dead for very long — my earlier estimate of around six hours will be somewhere near the mark .
23 Now if I go all the way to the very bottom of the spreadsheet , and put some er , an entry , somewhere near the margin there .
24 Detergents and dirty clothes do n't mix very well with food preparation and in any case the most sensible place to position both appliances is somewhere near the bedroom/bath area .
25 Most countries that have both mountains and seaboard usually have their highest points somewhere near the middle ; they are built on the principle of the pitched roof .
26 Somewhere near the hole will do , ’ Patrick said , as he handed him his putter before going to hold the flag .
27 Somewhere near the top of the list ?
28 I dropped it somewhere near the door .
29 They were , he said , somewhere near the souk .
30 Maybe the bullet will go somewhere near the direction you aimed it .
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