Example sentences of "close enough [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The lowly ‘ polis ’ , with little or no power in the system , deplores this situation and complains of its escalation , while the detectives moan about the incompetence of the uniform ‘ wollies ’ who never get close enough to their prisoners to extract their own ‘ coughs ’ or admissions and who fail to understand that the system largely depends on the ability of the department to manipulate a statistical norm in detected crimes .
2 Esther had already whetted his appetite , and it was close enough to his parents ' home for him to return there for lunch each day .
3 If only she and Michael had more time together , time for her feelings to rise close enough to the surface for her to be sure of what they were .
4 It was close enough to the cottage for her to take an early morning dip or a quick swim before dinner .
5 Even Frank Dick , the coach close enough to him to be the one he ultimately asked to be with him for his operation , did not have an inkling until the competition in France that Thompson had not high-jumped in training all year .
6 Surrounded by breathing , close enough to neighbours to touch knees .
7 Today we were close enough to the front of the plane to have a newspaper in English , and not have to settle for one printed in a strange dialect of Latvian ( or whatever it is that they use for those that are always left at the end ) .
8 The pilot dipped the nose of the aircraft and dropped down behind the van , close enough to be able to read its registration number : only a delivery van from the nearby town .
9 ‘ As long as there was a large enough interval between trains running into London , no train would be close enough to the one in front to be affected by the faulty signal . ’
10 But if he and the club feel he is close enough to soundness to allow him to travel and let us decide , we will do that .
11 He was sitting directly above the cellar door , close enough to the kitchen door to hear their angry words .
12 He should be able to sit close enough to the table to rest his hemiplegic arm comfortably on it .
13 ‘ I ca n't seem to get close enough to the board to get my foot on . ’
14 This not only supplies more power , but also enables you to get close enough to the board to put your foot on it .
15 Benny Lynch is an example close enough to home .
16 The stage area at the casino in Le Touquet was almost close enough to the tables to kick the glasses off .
17 I was , however , able to reassure her on this point , as I could see no prospects of my ever getting close enough to any American for him to even ask my name , never mind ask me to marry him — and in the 1940 's you did have to wait to be asked .
18 But I was already close enough to the aquatic world for it to become a lifelong obsession .
19 In short , the CD3 is a solid and meaty sounding deck , verging at times to rich in balance , yet remaining tonally close enough to neutral to avoid censure on the grounds of lack of tonal realism .
20 Water is drawn over the disc but does not get close enough to the roots to damage them .
21 I spent most of it attempting to get close enough to him so he could spike my other shin and give me a matching pair .
22 The figure is close enough to be easily identified and the expressions can clearly be seen , while enough of the background remains visible to place the subject in the setting .
23 Thus planning permission had been granted ( on 22 December 1975 , close enough to Christmas for no-one to have been paying much attention ) and the period for appealing the planning permission was past before local residents discovered that Raybestos Manhattan would be processing and emitting asbestos , a highly toxic pollutant and confirmed mass killer .
24 Rain will make a high draw a big help in the sprint and Ashtina ( 4.15 ) is close enough to the stands rail to take advantage .
25 For the latter lot , only ‘ The Hair Pillow ’ , illuminated by singer Craig Wedren 's glorious , bizarre falsetto , sticks close enough to convention to be more a pleasure than an endurance test .
26 In others it more commonly invites a searching look into the here-and-now , or at least into worlds close enough to be remembered .
27 Stephen was close enough to his fellow evangelical , the Prime Minister Spencer Perceval , to be allowed to draft an order in council for a registry in the Crown Colony of Trinidad in 1812 .
28 Feminist psychologies which work by association , stay close enough to psychology 's concerns to be able to contest them .
29 The Moot is close enough to the mountains to suffer occasional raids by Night Goblins and so the Halflings maintain a vigilant force of border guards and watchmen who double as warriors in time of war .
30 If those that are knocked out have opposite signs , what remains may be close enough to what was expected for the element to ‘ guess ’ what it is supposed to do .
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