Example sentences of "teach himself [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 He had taught himself to sleep in brief snatches .
2 After teaching himself to juggle , the 27-year-old is now advertising for fellow Big Top devotees to join him in starting up a little troupe .
3 In his spare time he became more and more interested in amateur dramatics , as well as teaching himself to play the violin .
4 Hermione Lee pinpoints what I feel about this novel — that although its subject is depression and waiting for death , it does not feel gloomy because of its own formal delight , its interest in language , including the contrasted languages of the sophisticated ‘ writer ’ , the Professor , a historian of the European exploration of America , and Tom Outland , the indigenous traveller , discovering the primeval inhabitants , but teaching himself to read Virgil , and thus exploring in the other direction .
5 Raised in extreme poverty he taught himself to paint in the style of Durer , Bosch , Leonardo and other Old Masters .
6 His parents had no piano , but his grandmother had a baby grand and he taught himself to play that whenever he visited her .
7 He taught himself to play the tuba .
8 He won a piano-accordion at cards and taught himself to play sea-shanties .
9 Members sent Yacoubou medicines and some books , including some with which he taught himself to speak English .
10 He taught himself to become a local government accountant through night schools and correspondence courses .
11 Bryceson had been a wartime pilot ; shot down in the Middle East , he taught himself to walk again only through exceptional determination .
12 He refused to sit in a wheelchair , crippled by his disability and others ' prejudice and he taught himself to walk again , built up his stamina by playing football on crutches and progressed to the walking sticks he uses today .
13 But he refused to sit back and taught himself to walk again .
14 Down below , in the third class , James Flanagan , a Primitive Methodist minister who began his working life at seven and taught himself to read at twenty-one , preached and ‘ frequently pleaded with the God of earth and sea ’ for a safe journey .
15 Asimov taught himself to read English at five , and began writing soon afterwards .
16 Later he was sorry for this and taught himself to read hymns and easy accompaniments .
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