Example sentences of "accord to dr " in BNC.

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1 New clinical trials show that including garlic in the diet can significantly reduce cholesterol in the blood , according to Dr Jorg Grunwald , a research biologist from Berlin .
2 According to Dr Moore , speech recognition could be an important feature of future aircraft and it is believed to be under consideration for the European Fighter Aircraft .
3 According to Dr Moore , that is unrealistic if computers are to be able to recognise thousands of words .
4 According to Dr Clarke , the Treatise was mainly a political invention , while the General Theory was mainly an intellectual one .
5 According to Dr O'Toole , Dr Baltimore told her in 1986 that she could write a letter to Cell about it , but that he would publish a rejoinder .
6 According to Dr Tanner in The Lancet of 1849 , ether used in an operation on the vagina of a prostitute incited ‘ lascivious dreams ’ .
7 According to Dr Judith Haynes of the educational psychologists ' group Child Consultants , the crucial thing is for parents to gain the child 's co-operation in establishing a revision regime in the weeks leading up to examinations .
8 They are already in use in Australia , America , Brazil and Tanzania , and could make a major contribution to managing insect-borne diseases and crop pests , according to Dr Janet Hemingway of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine .
9 Both boys had been taken prisoner and tortured ( according to Dr Caskie , who told the story in his book The Tartan Pimpernel ) ‘ until the blood came out of their ears ’ ; but they managed convincingly to deny their activities , and eventually they were released .
10 According to Dr John Bancroft , clinical consultant at the Medical Research Council 's reproductive Biology Unit in Leicester , maximum sexual activity does seem to match maximum testosterone levels throughout the year .
11 Losing weight requires relatively slight but lifelong changes of your eating and activity habits , according to Dr D A Booth of Birmingham University .
12 However , according to Dr Jean Valnet , the Egyptians used a primitive form of distillation to extract the essential oils from plants .
13 According to Dr Eugene Rasmusson , of the Climate Analysis Center in Silver Springs , Maryland , very warm sea-surface temperatures in the eastern Pacific are also associated with a deepening of the semipermanent low pressure in the Gulf of Alaska .
14 According to Dr George Eisenbarth , who headed the Joslin team , a simpler version of the test may be developed within the next year , ‘ We and other labs are most certainly working on it , to predict who 's at the most risk of developing diabetes , ’ he declared .
15 According to Dr Hugh Watson , secretary of the Confederation of British Industry 's Research and Technology Committee , special problems could arise if small companies with limited experience in biotechnology introduce processes based on genetic-manipulated microorganisms .
16 According to Dr Derek Denton , director of the Florey Institute , the agreement with Genentech should allow clinical trials of the hormone to begin within two years .
17 According to Dr George F. Kroker , an allergist working in Wisconsin : ‘ Carbohydrate and/or yeast craving is such a characteristic finding in this disorder that one should seriously doubt the diagnosis of this illness if it is not present . ’
18 According to Dr Silman , one possible reason for the link between pregnancy and rheumatoid arthritis is that oestrogen-type hormones in the body suppress the woman 's immune system .
19 According to Dr David Benton , even a few slices of toast and marmalade help to sharpen the memory .
20 Men 's pores release five times as many natural chemicals , called pheromones , at this time of year , according to Dr Kelly , who will air his theory at a chemists ' conference in Guildford , Surrey , today .
21 According to Dr Mobius , over 75% of the world 's population lives in such countries , which currently account for only 11% of the world 's GNP and less than 5% of the capitalisation of the world equity markets .
22 Some workmen digging a grave inside the parish church uncovered a lead anthropoid coffin inside of which was the body of a lad ‘ … laying in a liquor , or pickle , somewhat resembling mushroom catchup , but of a paler complexion , and somewhat thicker in consistance ’ , according to Dr T. White of Colchester who , together with Dr Gower of Chelmsford , had been invited by the rector , the Revd de l'Angle , and the churchwarden , Lewis Disney Ffytche of Danbury Place , to examine the coffin .
23 HOLLYWOOD celebs may not be faithful to their partners but , according to Dr Andrew Geeley 's new book Faithful Attraction , most Americans do n't cheat .
24 According to Dr Declan Murphy , project director in Washington , Rome has not forgotten this help and despite a certain weariness engendered by the numerous calls for loans of 1492 material received last year , it cooperated enthusiastically with Washington over the exhibition ( which is to mark the reopening of the Great Hall of the Library of Congress after a three-year renovation ) .
25 According to Dr Ladislav Daniel , newly appointed director of the Prague National Gallery , several galleries and museums have already been approached in the event of that happening .
26 According to Dr Ludwig Hoffman , Siemens ' executive director and head of data networks for the Public Networks Division , ‘ Asynchronous Transfer Mode and Metropolitan Area Networks have the same cell structure — 48 plus 5 bytes .
27 Each crystal in the magnetic nanocomposite could , in principle , be used to store one bit of data , offering , according to Dr Ziolo , up to 10,000 times the capacity of existing magnetic data-storage devices .
28 Sony and Pyramid were instrumental in the formation of the MIPS System V Special Interest Group two years ago ; however Sony has yet to fully implement UNIX SVR4 on its workstations , that version currently being in the Early Access stage , according to Dr Toshitada Doi , Director and head of the Sony Workstation Division .
29 The full code has been available on InterNet for the last two months and was to go on CompuServe last week , according to Dr Dobbs ' editor Jonathan Erickson .
30 According to Dr Peter Pratt , who heads the trust 's community health directorate , the unit is particularly well set up to respond to the increasing emphasis on non-hospital care in the NHS .
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