Example sentences of "often consist of " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , three meals , often consisting of scraps or little more , were served each day .
2 At the base of the chamber is a half channel , often consisting of half a piece of drain pipe with half channels coming in from branch drains .
3 In the West Midlands , the evidence of the Worcester court rolls suggests a prevalence of timber-framed buildings , most often consisting of three bays , although some were larger , and it is possible that the smaller houses were less well recorded .
4 N.B. It should be noted that in Austria twin beds often consist of two separate mattresses attached to a single frame or headboard and they can not be separated .
5 There is also some evidence that ‘ projects ’ , whilst aspiring to be interdisciplinary , often consist of subject-orientated segments , usually with a strong bias to one subject .
6 He knew also that the Icelandic word for ‘ short story ’ is þáttr , ‘ a thread ’ ; sagas often consist of several þættir , strands woven together .
7 the complexity of corporate structures , which often consist of so many subsidiaries and specialized divisions , within and beyond national boundaries , that unknotting the tangled thread of responsibility becomes difficult , if not impossible , thus making the view that ‘ no one was to blame ’ easy to accept ;
8 Rubbish tips nowadays often consist of large holes in the ground ( such as disused quarries ) which are being filled in , and which are gigantic versions of the rubbish pits found on archaeological sites .
9 Most sites do not produce remains that can be readily understood by casual visitors , and they often consist of little more than holes in the ground showing where posts once formed part of a timber building , pits dug for various purposes , or ditches for drainage , boundaries and defence .
10 Since sentences often consist of more than one clause , they will have several layers of thematic structure .
11 And a very good way of doing that is obviously to find suitable outlets , and I would suggest that suitable outlets very often consist of local radio , which there is a thirst , on the whole , for good , appropriate items .
12 The diets of older people will often consist of foods favoured in their younger days , but which are now known to be deleterious to health .
13 I have in mind , for example , that research can often consist of narrow problem-solving routines , with little theoretical content and even with little empirical content .
14 Some social scientists did : most ignored the debate because it was , frankly , naive ( and often consisted of nothing more than special pleading from scientists working for institutions that had much to lose ) .
15 His ministerial diary for the day often consisted of a lunch at a club and little else .
16 The Low Attainers in Mathematics Project ( LAMP ) and the Raising Achievement in Mathematics Project ( RAMP ) found that the mathematical diet for low-attaining pupils often consisted of little more than basic arithmetic presented in simple step by step learning sequences and repeated frequently .
17 personal conversations are not independent of media news , however , since their content often consists of a review of information and opinion originally derived from the press or television .
18 The rest often consists of sentences to help convey the meaning of those key points and to make the language flow .
19 Sex therapy for such couples often consists of first learning to be close without trying to climax , so that trust and confidence can be re-established without the tension and pressure of having to achieve .
20 A colour pattern often consists of an epidermal or subepidermal ground colour ( which may fade rapidly after death ) and overlying areas of more permanent cuticular pigmentation .
21 In British and North American English this often consists of a pre-sequence which signals impending closure , echoed by the other participant , followed by farewells , like this :
22 A further problem is that the governing authority of quangos often consists of a board or council .
23 Precipitation on the surrounding mountains may give rise to streams which quickly disappear where they reach the basin , as in the Taklamakan desert of the Tarim basin ( Stein , I933 ) The basin often consists of gentle slopes of graded sediments derived from the surrounding mountains leading to a central saline lake or swamp .
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