Example sentences of "eye [conj] smile " in BNC.

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1 He raised his eyes and smiled .
2 The mumblings ceased and Father Poole opened his eyes and smiled .
3 ‘ I do n't want to kill Vasco , I just want him , ’ and finally he raised his eyes and smiled , and the smile was almost benign .
4 To my astonishment and chagrin Ellen left her hand in his as he opened his eyes and smiled at her .
5 He laughed , as did Willie and Dad , but Mum wiped her eyes and smiled .
6 She met his eyes and smiled .
7 Luther looked deep into the boy 's eyes and smiled wickedly when he saw the truth lurking there .
8 Flavia Sherman brushed away a strand of hair that had fallen across his eyes and smiled fondly at him .
9 Tolonen met Karr 's eyes and smiled bitterly .
10 The King opened his eyes and smiled .
11 Billy Brown had rosy cheeks , blue eyes and smiled all the time .
12 As he opened his eyes and smiled at her strangely , she added , ‘ And it was worth it in the end .
13 He held her eyes and smiled that careless smile of his , causing a quick warm blush to touch her cheeks .
14 Ronni looked into his eyes and smiled at the compliment , inwardly shuddering as he took her in his arms and proceeded to lead her in time to the music .
15 He flashed his blue eyes and smiled .
16 She opened her eyes and smiled at him .
17 Then she looked me in the eye and smiled .
18 Some people at the church door caught his eye and smiled and bowed respectfully but others looked away and exchanged glances with grinning friends .
19 Once or twice she met Carrie 's eye and smiled as if to say she felt just as she did .
20 Here he closed one eye and smiled at me .
21 Fowler-Troon caught her eye and smiled apologetically , as if aware that he was stalling .
22 Cranston glanced at Athelstan out of the corner of his eye and smiled at the barbed reminder what was true of Fulke and others in the Tower was also true of his relationship with the Lady Maude .
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