Example sentences of "teacher ' union " in BNC.

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1 Phrases such as striving for the setting up of a ‘ Workers ’ republic' and the establishment of ‘ public ownership ’ were excised , as they were seen by the members of an affiliated teachers ' union , and ultimately by the bishops , to counter church doctrine ( Whyte 1980 : 82–4 ; Keogh 1982 : 7 , 77 n.5 ) .
2 The teachers ' union even submitted the draft constitution to the bishops so as to get it right .
3 No sooner had the Minister of Education , Lionel Jospin , stated that the scarves could not be a motive for excluding the girls from school than the teachers ' union , traditionally close to the Socialist Party , called him a traitor and 50 of his deputies signed a petition publicly disaffiliating themselves from his line and asking for his resignation .
4 It is likely to face stiff opposition from trade unions , including the teachers ' union , if it does so .
5 A fifteen-day teachers ' strike in September 1989 , supported by other workers , reflected some of these economic and professional concerns , though the Costa Rican teachers ' union is not considered militant .
6 An important factor in the advances achieved in education was the ability to mobilize people through organizations under the Sandinista umbrella : trade unions , including the teachers ' union , ANDEN ; women 's organizations ; co-operatives ; and peasants ' organizations .
7 Teachers ' union officials admit that many teachers earn more from private tutoring than from their official jobs .
8 One effect , according to Guillermo Martinez of the teachers ' union ANDEN , was to overburden classes ,
9 Many teachers belonging to the teachers ' union ANDES became actively involved in the struggle for political justice as well as for their own economic interests .
10 The vast majority of these incomplete schools are in rural areas where classes are also large — the teachers ' union COLPROSUMAH claims that in some rural schools there are up to 120 children in a classroom .
11 A recent step forward was the announcement in October 1990 of the formation of a broad-based teachers ' organization — the South African Democratic Teachers ' Union — which brings together a number of teachers ' unions previously separated on racial , geographical and political lines .
12 The teachers ' union NASUWT said : ‘ Some schools would n't stay open if they had to meet safety standards in other industries . ’
13 A BAN on classes with more than 30 children was demanded last night by the Tories ' favourite teachers ' union .
14 Head teachers decided to obstruct school performance league tables ; a second teachers ' union voted to boycott the national curriculum tests ; and Lord Skidelsky , a Tory member of the council which sets the tests , resigned .
15 In schools the increasing number of para.professionals creeping in under the resources umbrella have understandably aroused suspicions in teachers ' union branches .
16 They felt that there were some fundamental problems within the education system on the islands , problems that the official teachers ' union were failing to redress .
17 On May 28 four people were killed when a demonstration in Freetown by students in support of teachers ' demands was broken up by police after a police station had been stoned ; earlier a meeting attempting to establish an independent teachers ' union was also broken up by the authorities .
18 The secondary school teachers ' union Synesci criticized the country 's politicians for " nepotism and tribalism " and " a mentality governed by the profit motive " .
19 The most trenchant criticism came from Marcel Ette , general secretary of the university teachers ' union Synares , who reminded the meeting that the Constitution guaranteed individual liberties and envisaged the existence of political parties other than the PDCI .
20 During a subsequent march of some 200,000 pupils backed by the teachers ' union FEN in Paris on Nov. 12 , police held back while cars were burned and shops looted in the seventh arrondissement , but finally intervened with tear gas and water cannon to prevent marchers approaching the presidential palace ; 234 police and a number of journalists were injured and 83 people were arrested .
21 Members of the secondary school teachers ' union ( LOME ) went on strike in July 1990 in support of a 15 per cent salary increase and improved training and conditions [ see also September 1990 strikes and July austerity measures p. 37721 ] .
22 Included in the new Cabinet was Albert Nhlanhla Shabangu , president of the teachers ' union and a former critic of the government .
23 The mutilated bodies of three of these eight , including a teachers ' union leader and two fellow Communist Party members , had been discovered in March 1985 , prompting a judicial inquiry , the arrest of several carabineros ( paramilitary police ) , and the resignation of Mendoza in August 1985 [ see p. 33842 ] .
24 Doug McAvoy , general secretary of Britain 's biggest teachers ' union , the NUT , branded the award a ‘ disgraceful insult ’ .
25 And Joseph Fernandez 's old job has other complications : being second-guessed continuously by an unelected board of education that puts its small moral agenda above all else , sabotaged by the remains of corrupt school boards , starved of federal money and unable to settle on a contract with the teachers ' union .
26 Jock Houston , Borders secretary of the Educational Institute of Scotland , the main teachers ' union , said : ‘ The council seems determined to close one school after another .
27 HARD-PRESSED inner city comprehensive schools are likely to lose thousands of pounds a year under government plans to devolve financial management to heads , one of the largest teachers ' unions warns today .
28 TEACHERS ' UNIONS are advising their members to boycott appraisal schemes set up by schools and local authorities .
29 It was increasingly difficult for the government to rely on popular hostility towards the teachers ' unions in getting through what many saw as a direct attack on quality in the schools .
30 the solution to the underclass lies in stricter enforcement of the criminal laws , in giving tenants a stake and a say in public housing , in educational innovation opposed by teachers ' unions , in changing welfare laws so that a baby is not a ticket for an apartment separate from mom 's .
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