Example sentences of "draw [adv] upon " in BNC.

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1 Such knowledge forms a single system in each individual person so that his actions and his accounts are performances drawing only upon one corpus of knowledge .
2 Jung can appear to link quite well with sociology ; indeed , he drew indirectly upon the work of the Durkheim School in developing his understanding of collective symbols .
3 Thatcherism , like Reaganism , drew heavily upon the work of bright neo-conservatives outraged by the ‘ years of stagnation ’ in the prime ministerships of Harold Wilson and James Callaghan .
4 His first book , Syntactic Structures , published in 1957 , drew heavily upon his earlier unpublished work , The Logical Structure of Linguistic Theory .
5 Whilst it is true that parole was advocated in Crime — a challenge to us all , it is true also that in the consensual politics of the day party study groups drew freely upon the available sources of expertise and received wisdom : the penal services themselves , the legal and academic communities , penal reform and other related interest groups , and published material from official or academic sources .
6 It is not necessary to draw only upon Eastern Europe for examples of a system of education which is centralised at almost every level below that of research work for higher degrees .
7 There are two contradictory images ; an idealised one is of a benign , wise , peaceful old person , available to listen and perhaps to advise and to draw valuably upon life experience .
8 The revolutionary intelligentsia did draw extensively upon socialist currents of thought imported from the West and much of the factional in-fighting and abstruse philosophical controversy among émigrés bore little relation to developments within Russia .
9 The new statutory definition would naturally draw quintessentially upon existing case law and also current aspirations and modern requirements , expressed in general principles , in terms of broad classes .
10 It certainly draws heavily upon Thomas 's memories of people and incidents from his youth and early student days and many similarities exist between the bookish Mr Torrance and Mr Noble .
11 The present chapter , which draws heavily upon , and develops , arguments first presented in Griffiths and Johnston ( 1991 ) , illustrates these points , and advances the arguments presented throughout the book .
12 In Chapter 8 — on motivation — we shall examine research on the civil service which draws heavily upon the two-factor analysis developed by Herzberg .
13 It draws primarily upon secondary sources to examine the nature of the private patient population and the institutions and individuals providing health care on a fee-for-service basis .
14 Each draws significantly upon previously existing courses and each attempts to fill a gap in the current national provision of undergraduate education .
15 This stage draws considerably upon the knowledge , skills , and judgement of the practitioner and , as with the summary stage , may be facilitated by formulating the objectives around two key questions :
16 Similarly in Lee v York Coach and Marine [ 1977 ] RTR 35 , the requirement of reasonable durability in the case of a second-hand car was recognised , the court drawing strongly upon the approach of the House of Lords in Lambert v Lewis [ 1982 ] AC 225 .
17 As the last title implies , anthropologists of this persuasion concentrate upon categories of thought and native philosophies or theories of knowledge ( which they often call ‘ conceptual systems ’ ) , drawing heavily upon linguistic theory and methods in an effort to achieve increasingly rigorous and exhaustive inventories of alien concepts and beliefs .
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