Example sentences of "return to normal " in BNC.

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1 Can you tell me why , on returning to normal drive after 4WD , I experience severe jumping in the steering action for a brief time before everything returns to normal .
2 There was a moment of silence , and then the old lady , her tone returning to normal , looked at Grace as she said , ‘ Now , Grace , when the meal is over and there 's all this tosh about the ladies rising so the men can enjoy their port and cigars , here 's one who is staying behind because I 'm dying for a cigarette .
3 Princess Diana gave birth to a son and things looked like fast returning to normal in Britain as nurses came out on strike , the London tube drivers came out on strike and the NUR threatened a strike .
4 Modifications to lifestyle , such as performing calisthenics and returning to normal frequency of sex , were also more likely to have occurred .
5 Michael 's breathing was returning to normal .
6 Elevated levels of the transcript persist for at least 6h before returning to normal .
7 He lay prone on top of her for a few moments then he rolled to one side , panting loudly , his breath slowly returning to normal .
8 " You two are my children , " she continued , her voice abruptly returning to normal , " you are all I have , the only things that are truly mine .
9 Even more importantly though , the feeling of freedom that travelling gave Zeng had such a profound effect on him that returning to normal life with his work unit seemed practically unthinkable .
10 In particular , the ERCs fail in some cases to rehabilitate the men and women who pass through them largely because it is not their physical disablement but their attitude that is handicapping them in returning to normal working life , and the ERCs are not really equipped to change these attitudes .
11 I felt my pulse slowly returning to normal .
12 The world is returning to normal , and I wonder how far down the news Deptford will have slipped .
13 Gambian officials also blamed Senegal for a week of electricity failures in the capital Banjul , power returning to normal on Dec. 3 after supplies of gas and oil were guaranteed from Senegal .
14 Output from Alaska is already returning to normal ; North Sea output will recover by the third quarter .
15 THE 15-week ambulance dispute moved into a new area of confrontation yesterday as non-emergency workers in Surrey were threatened with the sack unless they returned to normal working in the new year .
16 With the outbreak of the Second World War , life in Palestine returned to normal — ‘ in a day ’ , according to Damiani — as old enemies temporarily cooperated .
17 Leg-muscle endurance capacity ( measured on a Cybex TM machine ) returned to normal within three days in the resting runners but was still below par after seven days for those who jogged in the recovery week .
18 After a while the station returned to normal , Charlotte had n't been seen for some time , and Albert had been killed in World War I so all three participants in the awful tragedy had gone for ever , or had they ?
19 When he came home and I was able again to administer the tablets , he returned to normal .
20 These changes proved to be only temporary , however , and life soon returned to normal .
21 After the initial flurry which prompted an internal memo warning staff not to fraternize with their neighbours , things soon returned to normal .
22 Slowly life in Fontanellato returned to normal .
23 What a ‘ relief ’ when everything returned to normal !
24 The lower carnitine concentrations seems to be secondary to the mucosal injury found in these patients , as a gluten free diet restored not only the injured mucosa , but also returned to normal the serum carnitine concentration .
25 This study shows a close association between H pylori induced gastritis and diminished peptic activity of the gastric mucosa , both in the active stage of the disease as well as after eradication of infection when values returned to normal .
26 Net absorption of sodium decreased in patients with acute diarrhoea in the absence of liminal SCFA , but returned to normal with luminal SCFA .
27 Clinically , an acute self limiting obstructive condition was evident in 13 cases with AA , and 12 of them returned to normal bowel function after receiving total parenteral nutrition .
28 The CCa returned to normal initially in the other poor responders , but rose again within 14 days .
29 Two years later the Americans quietly dropped the whole issue and the , the UN returned to normal but by that time of course the situation had become what it was , er er a war .
30 Two years later the Americans quietly dropped the whole issue and the , the UN returned to normal but by that time of course the situation had become what it was , er er a war .
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