Example sentences of "only person [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Mrs Wright was the only person we knew who took the Observer .
2 You 're the only person we can ask , Liz .
3 And the only person we strip is Donna !
4 They wandered silently for what seemed like miles , both wrapped in their own thoughts , and the only person they saw was a red-jumpered golfer on the course behind the beach .
5 That 's why the only person they dared talk to was Sprague .
6 Well if Labour do n't get in do n't get in this time , the only person they can blame is their leader .
7 Indeed , the only person whose company seemed to detain the worldly , elegant Colonel was the Reverend Nicholson , with whom he had contracted a conversational friendship based , it appeared , on a mutual zeal for the discussion of the profoundest spiritual matters — the power of prayer , the meaning of the Three Days in the Tomb , the date of the origin of the world , the precise division of responsibilities between the Holy Trinity .
8 The Tutor remains a sympathetic character fur Vera , s sorrow at his departure is echoed by Kolia , Natalia 's son , when he too realises he is losing the only person who has tried to make him happy .
9 The Ferranti source said : ‘ Lord Weinstock ( GEC 's managing director ) would like to be in the position where he was able to say to the Ministry of Defence , ‘ Look , I am the only person who can rescue Ferranti from collapse . ’
10 Temple and Oldham pressed at him hard — he must write one of the essays , he was the only person who could do it , they told him .
11 Perhaps the only person who finds his course clear is someone with an absolute objection , moral or religious , to society taking the life of any of its members .
12 He said that he believed I was the only person who could carry the country through .
13 The King , however , undeterred by this , told the Prime Minister that he believed that he was the only person who could carry the country through' .
14 He must be more patient and brace himself up to realise that he was the only person who could tackle the present chaotic state of affairs , ' This was the fourth time the King had told MacDonald that he would not accept his resignation .
15 For years , the only person who believed that Alfred Molina would ever become a star was his wife , actress Jill Gascoine , and he credits her for his new-found success .
16 ‘ It 's just that the only person who saw her on Saturday was the Minister — Mr Hawick . ’
17 ‘ I came to find you because you were the only person who told me that Liam would n't be in that house .
18 De Sabata was also probably the only person who never said one word against another conductor .
19 In fact , you are the only person who has turned up .
20 Mr Dalglish , who was angry that his side were not awarded a penalty for a first-half tackle by Madden on Wilcox , said later : ‘ The only person who did n't play was the referee and because I told him so he says he is going to report us . ’
21 The only person who does this conversion is Ian Ashcroft , 0582 761081 .
22 A bit frustrating being the only person who could n't see it .
23 ‘ Yes but he 's g-g-going to C-c-cambridge and he 's the only person who really c-c-c-ares about me . ’
24 He is the only person who can make it possible for us to become ourselves — to become a true person in an impersonal world .
25 It 's not merely a false stance though : the only person who knows the real Morrissey , his mother , has proved this on many occasions by telephoning Rough Trade 's office to complain about their handling of her delicate son .
26 COLBERT : I was sitting next to Bob Mcknight , and five seconds before it happened I said to Bob , the only person who can fuck this up is Tom Carroll .
27 The only person who really said anything helpful was Jack Nopps .
28 The texts of Roman law bring us to the intriguing conclusion that by late classical times the only person who acquired property under trust and with it an unassailable title was the bona fide purchaser for value without notice .
29 Under this form of words , the only person who acquires any rights is A , the legatee , and the only legal relationship created is between him and the heir .
30 ‘ But ’ , wrote Priestley , sadly , ‘ the only person who gave much attention to my experiments was Mr Hey , the surgeon ’ .
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