Example sentences of "decide to give them " in BNC.

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1 One woman derelict told her that after living with three husbands for twenty-five years she had decided to give them up and devote herself to the task of viewing the Cathedrals and Abbeys of the British Isles .
2 ‘ So you 've decided to give them an airing ? ’
3 To console them after their bad experience , the mothers at St Bernard 's decided to give them a surprise party to mark Alice 's 90th birthday .
4 Eventually he decided to give them their marching orders , and one spring , just before the birds were due to arrive , he nailed wire netting and a large dustbin bag along the eaves to stop them building their nests in the usual place .
5 Two bison , painted 15,000 years ago in a cave known as the Grotte de Mayrieres near Bruniquel , France , were virtually erased when Boy Scouts decided to give them a spring clean under the impression that they were graffiti .
6 I spoke to the mayor and we decided to give them a proper Christian burial in the village cemetery .
7 The selectors could also have changed their top order , but decided to give them all another chance .
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