Example sentences of "stand by [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Lucker stands by with a lit cigarette , just in case it does n't work .
2 Ryan Giggs is doubtful with an ankle injury and Eric Cantona stands by for his first full game .
3 Meanwhile , 18-year-old full-back Michael Gray stands by for his full League debut at Southend .
4 Aldergrove stands by for big take-off
5 And Runcorn striker Steve Shaughnessy stands by for a possible call-up into the F.A .
6 True grit … the council 's gritting team stands by for action
7 All ambulance crews would continue to stand by at their stations for 999 calls .
8 All ambulance crews would continue to stand by at their stations for 999 calls .
9 After a muttered exchange through the bars , the captain ordered two of his officers to stand by with pistols drawn while he unfastened the padlocks .
10 The train was electrically lighted , and in order to economise current when the train had to stand by for some time , nearly every lamp was under separate control .
11 Control said all that was just fine , and to stand by for instructions .
12 They wanted me to stand by as a consultant .
13 Vigilant was also called upon to stand by in the Thames approaches to assist as necessary .
14 The sharp style of leather and suede is an essential this season ; stand by with a wardrobe of contemporary classics including shirts , jeans and western-style jackets in black , rich brown and tan .
15 Stand by to be liberated
16 With students threatening to run a Barclays-style boycott against any that participate , stand by for more to pull out .
17 With students threatening to run a Barclays-style boycott against any that participate , stand by for more to pull out .
18 STAND by for a new moral crusade against single mothers .
19 AND now stand by for our Christmas competition .
20 So stand by for a new trade war , as America is accused of dumping subsidised security services on world markets ?
21 Stand by for interminable consultation exercises , formulation and revision of elaborate ( and strangely unworkable ) schemes , and a torrent of litigation .
22 But the book 's publishers should be warned : if searches for extraterrestrial intelligence ever pay off , then stand by for an avalanche of orders from interested parties .
23 Finally ( for now ) , J. Whitby-Smith , of London E11 , highlights a similar confusion about one of my own articles ( ’ Stand by for bad winters ’ , 28 October , 1982 , p 220 ) .
24 Are we going to fry ( ’ The curious case of the shrinking Sun , ’ New Scientist , 3 March , p 592 ) , or freeze ( ’ Stand by for bad winters ’ , New Scientist , 28 October , 1982 , p 220 ) ?
25 Stand by for further .
26 For example , New York 's firemen oppose any attempt at flexible rostering ; they commonly stand by for duty over a 48-hour period each week , and then moonlight on other days .
27 Stand by for the campaign against cruelty to teddies !
28 Stand by for a revealing insight into your childhood or upbringing .
29 STAND by for a Tartan invasion in the Irish League next season !
30 They 've found the secret of happiness for all ! — Stand by for the labour camps and the mass graves .
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