Example sentences of "social democrats [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Thus did the social democrats betray their promise of a new world without war , and come to act as instruments for each ruling order : nationalism was the key ideological means of breaking the workers ’ challenge to the status quo .
2 In fact , the social democrats secured the compliance of workers rather than their zealous support , but that was enough to safeguard the Establishments of most of Europe .
3 The Social Democrats had a strong candidate in Rudolf Scharping , who was leftish enough to keep the backing of the party faithful , calmly reassuring on economic matters to middle-of-the-road voters .
4 In the 1988 General Election in Sweden the Social Democrats had a huge sympathy vote lingering on after the murder of Olaf Palme while he had been Prime Minister some years before .
5 In substance , if not in theory , the German Social Democrats had by 1912 become a patriotic party , with only moderate criticisms of German expansionism .
6 Second , if the Liberals and Social Democrats had been able to squeeze a few more votes from Labour supporters , then it could well have been the Labour Party that finished up with just a few seats in parliament out of all proportion to votes cast .
7 For example , after the election of 1983 the Conservatives had an overall majority in the House of Commons of 144 seats and the Liberals and Social Democrats had only 23 seats .
8 The attempt to create a unified alliance to the left of the Social Democrats had gathered pace after the SKDL and SKP executives had approved a merger in principle .
9 For much of 1981 and early 1982 the Social Democrats seemed to carry all before them .
10 For a time , the Social Democrats seemed able to appeal to disaffected middle-class Tories and to moderate opinion of all shades .
11 First , all depends on the Social Democrats getting just enough votes to form a government , but only with Green help .
12 As sure as night follows day the Social Democrats moved into uneasy alliance with the Liberals .
13 Under pressure from fellow Social Democrats alarmed by the drift and division at the top of their party , Mr Engholm resigned on April 30th from all his posts : premier of Schleswig-Holstein , chairman of the Social Democrats and their candidate for chancellor next year .
14 Only the Russians and some German Social Democrats keep banging on about a neutral Germany .
15 On Oct. 17 the Slovak Social Democrats announced at the party 's congress a name change to the Social Democratic Party of Slovakia .
16 Although Liberals and Social Democrats claim that the established electoral system does not work as its defenders say it should , they are at their most forceful when they point out that the established system is " unfair " and unrepresentative .
17 The Social Democrats passed a motion at their conference in Brighton last month calling for a common age of consent at 16 .
18 After initially welcoming this movement , Plekhanov , Lenin and other ‘ orthodox ’ Social Democrats became afraid that concentration on immediate economic goals might lead the emergent labour movement to become preoccupied with merely economic rather than political goals .
19 The Social Democrats called a general strike in protest ( denounced by the leadership of the Petrograd Soviet as mob rule ) , which the Russian Governor General banned , promising to put down all disorders by force .
20 The opposition Social Democrats called for neo-Nazi arsonists to be punished severely .
21 For the Mensheviks this implied that state power must pass to bourgeois parties , and although the proletariat must play a major , even leading role in overturning autocracy , it would be madness for the Social Democrats to take part in government .
22 The measures were designed to combat the economic crisis , rising inflation and industrial unrest , but failed to win the backing of the Green Ecology Party and the Communist Left Party ( VpK ) , on whose support the Social Democrats depended in parliament .
23 We may have a system of " one person one vote " , but Liberals and Social Democrats point out that we do not yet have a system of " one person one vote one value " since some votes are more equal than others .
24 The opposition Social Democrats described the proposals as unfair , saying that they would reduce the opportunities for growth and accusing the government of deliberately creating unemployment .
25 During the upheaval of 1905–7 overall membership leaped upwards , the Social Democrats claiming as many as 150,000 members .
26 The Social Democrats have come a long way since the early 1980s when , newly tossed into opposition , the party was crippled by defeatism .
27 The Portuguese Social Democrats have recently won for the second time running with a slightly increased majority and 50.7 per cent of the votes cast .
28 The Social Democrats have already started to deny that they would ask for this help — a denial spurred perhaps by some mistrust of the Greens by their own mainstream supporters .
29 They may not even get that — the social Democrats have been stealing Green fire with a recent anti-nuke stance .
30 2 If a future Parliament is " hung " with the centre parties holding the balance of power between Conservative and Labour then the Liberals and Social Democrats have made it clear that the price of their giving support to any minority government would be a binding agreement to introduce proportional representation .
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