Example sentences of "well over 100 " in BNC.

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1 The army said that , in three days , it had killed 27 people ; diplomats said that well over 100 had died , and that was just in the capital , Bamako .
2 Kurt Huber , managing director , expressed his enthusiasm for the project by saying , ‘ the Clayton Aniline Company has played its part in the life of this area for well over 100 years … and this is a further demonstration of our continuing support and commitment to the community of East Manchester ’ .
3 On the supply side of the energy picture , the rise of UK oil production — from 14 million tonnes in 1975 to 114.9 million in 1983 with the UK moving from importing well over 100 million tonnes of oil a year to being an exporter of approaching 50 million tonnes a year — dwarfs all else .
4 A mixture of silver , tin and copper amalgam has been a successful filler of teeth for well over 100 years .
5 Well over 100 people were employed in the house and on the estate .
6 It was well over a half mile long , consisting of 2 military bands ; more than 100 mounted men ; well over 100 armed retainers on foot ; 50 Irvine archers in Lincoln green outfits ; the Duke of Atholl with a company of his Atholl Highlanders ; several open carriages ; trumpeters ; a jester on a mule ; Lord Eglinton as Lord of the Tournament ; Lady Jane Seymour as the Queen of Beauty ; and the 13 competing knights .
7 Since the mid-50s he has designed well over 100 West End productions and has also worked at the National Theatre , the Royal Shakespeare Company and the Chichester Festival Theatre .
8 Size of establishment is associated with number of training programmes ( see Table 4 ) as one might expect it to be , although there are differences to be noted within authorities of similar size : while none of the large libraries said that they engaged in no planned training programmes , they did not fall into Category I ( Category I was 30 or more programmes and was a very broad grouping , with several libraries mentioning well over 100 programmes ) .
9 Little did they think that it would still be going , if only just , well over 100 years later .
10 It has flourished for well over 100 years and is always held on the first weekend in July .
11 Neil Kinnock does n't actually smoke , and neither do I. I gave up smoking on 1 January ; since then I have smoked well over 100 cigarettes .
12 By the time the storm is fully formed it may be as much as 400 miles wide , moving at perhaps 20 miles an hour , and with winds near its core raging at well over 100 miles an hour .
13 Apart from the fact that some percentage estimates totalled well over 100 , there was little of interest in the analysis of modes of teaching .
14 Then , in 1975 and 1976 , the CNAA 's committee for Art and Design , which had been set up to monitor the existing provision , instituted a major review and renewal of approval of well over 100 BA honours courses .
15 She entered the trade with Truslove & Hanson in its Oxford Street branch in 1919 , and in 1935 came as my secretary when I was managing Harrods Library , which was then , with the Times , the leading large subscription library with a staff of well over 100 .
16 WELL over 100 members and students gathered again at Keele this year to benefit once more from the lectures , demonstrations and social gathering which makes this Convention unique .
17 Firms range from commercial practices of well over 100 partners giving a general legal service to large , corporate clients , to small , independent high street solicitors , occasionally a ‘ sole practitioner ’ , who provide local people with the services required .
18 In the latter incident on Sept. 13 at least 26 people were shot or hacked to death , and well over 100 injured .
19 Towards the end of October Palestinian human rights groups revised the casualty figures to 17 dead and well over 100 injured .
20 According to government figures the final death toll for the May 17-19 riots was under 50 , but most other estimates put the figure at well over 100 .
21 On some plausible estimates it has already built well over 100 atomic bombs , together with a score or so of even more horrific hydrogen bombs and the means to deliver them .
22 London had well over 100 parishes .
23 Since it is also difficult in some cases to determine whether neighbouring centres of active volcanism are associated with one or more hot spots , estimates of the total number of hot spots vary significantly from around 40 to well over 100 .
24 The small device which enables Canned Draught Guinness to pour as if from a pub fount looks simple , but well over 100 techniques were designed and tested before the final development of the patented in-can system .
25 When he invited farmers through the Darlington and Stockton Times to consider growing mushrooms as a way of diversifying he received well over 100 calls although he was only looking for ten .
26 Well over 100 applications had been received for 35 places on a new course starting this year .
27 The most likely method involves the leasing of the necessary hardware , and the Scottish case is strengthened by projected payback of well over 100 per cent a year from the savings to the national economy in eliminating or minimising congestion — estimated to cost up to £1.5 billion a year in Scotland .
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