Example sentences of "may [vb infin] contributed " in BNC.

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1 Dr Johnny Birks has been studying mink for many years and he admits with some reluctance that this extremely successful marten may have contributed to the vole 's decline .
2 He disputed suggestions that his own redistributive mock Budget at the outset of the election campaign may have contributed to the party 's defeat and expressed concern that those who would have gained from it had apparently failed to heed the message .
3 Some of them , such as mental confusion , incontinence and difficulty seeing and hearing , may have contributed to them being admitted to such homes .
4 The specialized habits of both these ‘ pseudo-fishes ’ may have contributed to their survival , when none of their bony-plated relatives survived the Palaeozoic .
5 It is uncertain to what extent British nuclear technology may have contributed to this process .
6 In our case I believe it has helped all three of us. has been exposed to a greater variety of people and situations which may have contributed to his easy-going nature .
7 It was another example of the often described , but at that time seldom remembered , phenomenon of bacterial competition , and may have contributed to Florey 's later decision to pursue other examples of antibiosis .
8 The story was no doubt well known to Florey and may have contributed to his own dealings with the press .
9 However , plasma triglycerides were elevated in the diabetic animals soon after the induction of the disease and the authors speculated that this may have contributed to the development of the platelet and vessel-wall changes .
10 Indeed family disruption may have contributed to the illness .
11 It is a schism which may have contributed to the stalled development of GaAs as an alternative in digital technology .
12 In other words , the stress forces of the Earth , in particular stresses brought about by severe changes in climate , and the changing chemical nature of the surface , may have contributed to the great expansion , and occasional contraction , of species within narrow phyla that evolved from the recognizable solid life in the oceans ( oceanic life started , probably , in the Algonkian period , somewhere between 670 million and 600 million years ago ) .
13 But friends believe that his decision to lead England in India , only months after returning from World Cup duty and a gruelling Test season against Pakistan , may have contributed to the break-up .
14 Rather , sit down with a friend , and talk through what happened , and try to see how your behaviour may have contributed to their behaviour .
15 Mapping of the eruptive products , done jointly with the University of Liverpool , suggests that more than one original caldera may have contributed to the volcanic assemblage .
16 Mapping of the eruptive products , a joint study with the University of Liverpool , further suggests that more than one original caldera may have contributed to the volcanic assemblage .
17 Various factors may have contributed to this ‘ paranoid episode ’ , as we should now label it .
18 It is prevalent in the German Shepherd Dog where breeding for excessive hind-limb angulation may have contributed to the problem .
19 The monastery was borne along on a buoyant prosperity which , while it may have contributed to the dissatisfactions and distractions felt by the few , drew most of its members together in a sense of their importance and independence , and hastened the disappearance of earlier divisions .
20 It seems likely that the Reformation may have contributed to this dramatic rise in prosecutions — which some historians have labelled a ‘ witch-craze ’ — both because the new climate of religious strife led to a general heightening of fears and suspicions , and because without the protective magic of Catholicism , many individuals felt themselves more vulnerable in the face of malevolent forces , and thus more impelled to take action against them .
21 These factors may have contributed markedly to the relative lack of success of the minor marriages .
22 The Americans may have contributed as much as $1 billion a year to the Philippine economy in rent for the base , pay for the local people and the money spent on women , booze and other necessities .
23 Mr Balladur , aware that these accusations may have contributed to the suicide on May 1st of the former prime minister , Pierre Bérégovoy , has been careful not to repeat them .
24 Seasonal rains drenching uplands may have contributed to the water budget , but the annual precipitation of 2mm day simulated for high-latitude Gondwana could not have sustained the vast perennial freshwater lakes in southern Africa .
25 In addition , population size was smaller in the r lines , so that inbreeding depression may have contributed to the difference from the K lines .
26 The newspaper coverage may have contributed to bringing the crime into the public domain , but essentially the press and the police are using the same repertoire of scripts .
27 Marsh 's absence may have contributed to a disappointing first-day crowd of 7708 , but those present witnessed an interesting day , Australia reaching 222 for 4 , with the prolific Boon again to the fore .
28 More effective lung perfusion and expansion may have contributed to the more favourable arterial-alveolar oxygen tension ratios in the regulated group .
29 Reagan 's reluctance to dabble in detail may have contributed to one of his undoubted strengths , his sense of direction .
30 Among the factors which may have contributed to the disorderly condition of the Gascon nobility was the slackening of the crusading effort against the infidel .
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