Example sentences of "just to remind you " in BNC.

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1 ( The dry wines are marked ‘ Vin non filtre , risque de leger depot ’ just to remind you . )
2 Just to remind you , here are a few English prepositions
3 Just to remind you er , we have a fifty percent interest in Lazzard brothers and a ten percent interest in the New York and Paris partnerships .
4 Erm , just to remind you , or to draw to your attention , erm , ladies and gentlemen , the fact that the report erm , was considered in the first instance , by your community care advisory sub-committee in September , and subsequently by the joint consultative committee in November .
5 That 's the end of the shipping forecast but just to remind you that Radio Four long wave in Northern Scotland , Orkney and Shetland is off the air as the bulkhead transmitter has been affected by the bad weather but as soon as it 's repaired we will repeat the shipping forecast for the areas affected that 'll be on long wave only and F M will continue with scheduled programmes .
6 And just to remind you the open the open state probability can be defined as the time that the channel spends in its in the open state divided by the total time of the recording .
7 Erm the talks erm Gillian Thornton is gon na speak to us on the 23rd of February just to remind you and I 've actually prepared some notes on play writing which we can fit in some time during this sort of session .
8 I think the ah just to remind you what we have always said is that that would improve our gross margin situation would be a change in in house manufacturing goods and whilst it 's a bit early to tell we are actually saying to you that the sales post Boxing Day have been in addition
9 Again , just to remind you of waiver of premium , this is exactly the same as the Covermaster so you really wo n't need to cover , copy this , it 's charged as we established earlier , as according to your client 's age and sex I E how old they are and what gender they are , you can see how the percentage of the premium is established .
10 Point six means that wh just to remind you that when we had the sales conference we did promise these
11 What just to remind you ?
12 But erm apologies for going back to the to the discussion er yesterday but it it 's merely just to remind you , picking up the point that Mr Potter 's just made , that that certainly as far as Selby District 's concerned that circumstances have changed very drastically since the situation of ten years ago when the er the structure plan policies were were first drawn up .
13 And just to remind you what I was saying , if you 've just switched on , what I was just confirming with Colin er earlier , is that erm it 's slightly different in this competition to what we 've been accustomed to in the football league er this and last season , in as far as it 's not goals scored that 's important when you have the same number of points , it is goal difference .
14 Just to remind you er we 'll be k taking regular reports from Colin throughout the night plus a bit of second half commentary as well .
15 Next Friday morning , I think you were all here when we were planning this , but just to remind you , next Friday morning , erm , somebody else is coming from the team in Harlow .
16 Well , if death can ever be glamorous , that , I suppose , is the glamorous side of war casualties , but I think we need to spend the rest of our time very much looking at what it was like for the ordinary people of St Aldate's. erm And here , I apologise for producing a modern slide of Carfax , but I think just to remind you that we are talking about a very busy crowded city area , and erm about a city whose whole aspect was changing during the war .
17 So Liz , in particular , and I 'll join in a little bit , we 'll sort of itemize some of the aspects , just to remind you and , and focus a little bit on this , and then we move into another mode where you get very creative and very constructive .
18 And , in a sense , we 've , just to complete what we 've been talking about so far , there 's always the question of press and magazines and house style , just to remind you that you really need to study formats if you 're going to try and as a freelance we talked about that yesterday .
19 It 's not on the minutes , but just to remind you , the thirteenth and fourteenth of December , thanks Tony .
20 And just to remind you that Oxford have gone down to eighteenth in the table , they 've got thirty two points .
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