Example sentences of "who voted for " in BNC.

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1 But many of the Andalucian farm workers who voted for the Socialists in 1982 and 1986 are turning to Mr Pacheco 's party to voice their discontent .
2 ‘ You 'd have thought one of them would have had the balls , ’ said one wet who voted for Mrs Thatcher on the grounds that no serious candidate had come forward .
3 ‘ If you add up the people who voted for him and those who voted against him and those who did n't vote , you have to decide if that is a vote of confidence in him or not . ’
4 Mr Steyn , who voted for Prime Suspect , said the jurors handed their votes to Miss Shubik , who checked them and announced a majority of four to three , though she did not say who had won .
5 Mr Steyn , who voted for Prime Suspect , said the jurors handed their votes to Miss Shubik , who checked them and announced a clear majority of four to three , though she did not say who had won .
6 The people who voted for what are called ‘ extremist ’ and ‘ fascist ’ parties in France and Germany seem to have mostly done so , however mistakenly , for one reason only : fear that the stability of their countries is threatened by unassimilable immigrants and bogus ‘ asylum-seekers ’ .
7 Sir , — Can I thank the 20,033 people who voted for me last week .
8 With my electoral role number marked on the counterfoil , through a sorting process my vote and anyone else 's vote could be traced to who voted for who .
9 In victory , Major sidled up to the MPs who voted for his rivals , including one-nation characters such as Chris Patten , Kenneth Clarke and William Waldegrave , who had rallied to the reassuring establishment figure of the Foreign Secretary , Douglas Hurd .
10 Most burghers who voted for the right did so to express uncertainty and fear about the looming costs of unification .
11 It means that the 55-60 per cent of the electorate who voted against the Conservatives will get what they voted for , instead of the 40-45 per cent who voted for the Tories , putting them in power for five more unfettered years .
12 The people who voted for the puppy are up in arms .
13 The final phrase carried a suggestion that they might be willing to fight for the League , but it seems unlikely that this thought had crossed the minds of many of the young gentlemen who voted for it .
14 Most of the MPs on the Select Committee on Transport are Tories who voted for the bill , now nearly through the House of Commons .
15 This embittered minority included not only Greeks who chose to vote for the Communists , when these were eventually relegalised , but a large number of those who voted for the Socialist Party that Andreas Papandreou created in 1974 .
16 Of those who voted for Reagan many did so without great enthusiasm and a ‘ large ’ if indeterminate , proportion of Reagan 's support came from people who went to the polls to vote against President Carter' .
17 The most this can mean is that the people who voted for the party did so knowing that it was planning to do certain things , and that therefore these voters can be assumed to have consented to those plans .
18 The seventy nine of you who voted for banning hunting , a are you all townees , do you not understand th the fabric of er , of the country ?
19 In this sense they claim to be concerned with the interests of all their constituents , and not just those who voted for them .
20 It is a much debated question whether those who voted for these resolutions were truly representative of their countries ' educators and whether the debate preceding them was fairly conducted .
21 The vast majority of readers chose to take the option of voting for two favourite animals , but those few who voted for just one ( which was then counted twice in the tallying up ) tended to favour the elephant , specifically the African elephant , followed by tiger , otter and pig .
22 In Italy , a referendum in 1988 produced an 80 per cent majority who voted for closure of its two nuclear reactors and against any further spending on a nuclear power programme .
23 A person who is elected is not a delegate of those who voted for him .
24 They were all excellent measures , as my hon. Friend the Member for The Wrekin who voted for them so enthusiastically , will confirm .
25 THE Foyle Labour Party Press officer Len Green has thanked the people across Londonderry who voted for the party in last week 's local government election .
26 On March 12 Bernard Tapie , who was chair of the Adidas sports concern and owner of the Marseilles football club , and who headed an " Energie-Sud " list backed by the PS in Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur , was fined F1,500 ( US$265 ) for calling the FN and those who voted for it " salauds " ( " bastards " ) at a rally on Jan. 28 ; he was also ordered to pay symbolic damages of one franc each to three FN leaders .
27 Of the 121 members who voted for the opposition amendment the very great majority — indeed , a majority of the total Labour Party in the House were Labour members .
28 ‘ I thought — am I wrong ? — that you were one of those who voted for Duke William as heir .
29 Wilkes had many levels of supporters , from the Middlesex freeholders who voted for him , through City interests " independent " of those linked through finance and contracting to the government , to the " middling sort " of householder .
30 Following their defeat at the Wiltshire election of 1713 , the Whig candidates petitioned the House of Commons , complaining that the under-sheriff , in collusion with the two Tory candidates , had delayed opening the poll until the afternoon , " when many freeholders , who would have voted for the petitioners , were necessitated , by reason of the harvest , to go away without voting " , and also that he had " refused those who voted for the petitioners , and had a right ; and polled others amongst them , who had no right " .
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