Example sentences of "do not mention " in BNC.

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1 A court notice reported the economic loss of the two vehicles , but did not mention any military casualties .
2 Levi 's statement to Philip Roth about If not now , when ? did not mention Babel , but it did mention another Isaac — the Yiddish writer , Bashevis Singer .
3 I did not mention before that theory-of-mind tasks are also typically failed by autistic children who are otherwise quite able .
4 He did not mention that one definition of a composer 's talent is that he can write music that compels an audience 's attention .
5 Indeed , the division itself is as much about politics as economics : Mrs Thatcher 's hostility to the ERM springs from her hostility to the European Community , which she did not mention yesterday .
6 Although the document did not mention him , this was believed to be Chris Burrows , previously with Henderson Adminstration .
7 Although the document did not mention him , this was believed to be Chris Burrows , previously with Henderson Administration .
8 The interesting finding of the study , which you did not mention , was that there were differences in pre-buyout performance between companies that successfully underwent LBOs and those that failed .
9 We can explain that they come from an age when theology and the natural sciences were not divorced from one another , when God was held directly responsible for disasters we would now call ‘ natural ’ , and for which we would have scientific explanations to hand that did not mention God at all .
10 At tea , Jos did not mention the incident , for which Mungo was grateful .
11 the Racing Post did not mention him at all in its main preview of the race ; and the official Cheltenham racecard form guide nominated him ‘ more of a candidate for last place than first ’ .
12 He did not mention his wife .
13 She did not mention that no more money would be sent — let Ellen discover that when the monthly money orders did not arrive in the punctual way they always had done .
14 Her absence was registered by Fru Møller at about ten o'clock and she did not mention it to anyone .
15 ‘ In the interests of security I think it would be better if you did not mention this night 's events to anyone .
16 I am surprised that Trevor Grove , in his feature ‘ Argentina Revisited ’ ( March 29 ) , did not mention the strong Welsh-Argentine connection , which is totally distinct from , and unrelated to , the Anglo-Argentine link .
17 The Tories can then expect to be returned within a couple of years , by an England — Disraeli did not mention Scotland or Wales — which has once again proved it does not love coalitions .
18 He did not mention Labour and even refrained from a sneer at the opinion pollsters .
19 This suggested a hung parliament with Neil Kinnock leading a minority government , and Tory campaigners are furious that the BBC did not mention the party 's share of the vote , which would have shown it performing much better than predicted .
20 The CEGB 's video did not mention this study , which had effectively quashed any scientific doubt over what caused acidification .
21 She did not mention the basis of the deal .
22 Modigliani did not mention Beatrice ; it seems likely that Eugenia never heard about the affair from him , and she remained an unintegrated part of his life .
23 The book did not mention the small but thriving Jewish community in Beirut .
24 Gemayel did not mention Adolf Hitler .
25 When I asked how many there were in her family she said seven , but that the young ones were at home , and did not mention her pregnant abdomen .
26 In 1972 the Criminal Law Revision Committee had been particularly exercised by the fear that silent suspects could ‘ ambush ’ the prosecution with evidence at their trial which they did not mention during questioning and which the police now had no time independently to verify .
27 Liz telephoned her parents and told them she had been sick , but did not mention the overdose .
28 He did not mention meeting Constable when the latter came up to stay at Brathay in 1806 , where he stayed with the Hardens .
29 Although he did know George Gardner , who was born on 19th September 1778 , he did not mention meeting his father Daniel Gardner , the portrait painter who was born in 1750 and died in 1805 .
30 When we wrote of the new system at the time of its introduction , we did not mention the technical problems .
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