Example sentences of "[Wh pn] have brought [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 When I was in South Africa the attorney general of the Transvaal who has brought the charges made it abundantly clear that he was not er going to be influenced by er political issues , and I 'm not surprised that he 's taken the line that he does .
2 So the media award is given to a person or organisation who has brought the subject into the public perception .
3 On arrival across the bridge from the car park , I was met by Miss Hilary Laidlaw-Thompson the very efficient PRO for the show , who had brought a golf buggy to drive me round .
4 In short , Rosie was a treasure who had brought a lightness to the house .
5 Here was somebody who had brought the art of skulduggery to the highest point of perfection , somebody , moreover , who was willing to risk life and limb in pursuit of her calling .
6 Holly smiled to himself , chuckled softly , because he saw in his mind the face of the man who had brought the food to the hatch , and he thought of the retribution that would fall on the cretin 's shoulders .
7 But what did the winner of the game actually think — Keith Wells , the man who had brought the game to England but had never actually played it before ?
8 At the end of August 1797 Coleridge was in low spirits and unwell , worn down by the ‘ Malignity of the Aristocrats ’ , who had brought the spy to Stowey , by the need to disappoint John Thelwall 's hopes of a Somerset home , and by poverty .
9 Bartolomeo who managed his dyeworks , and Bartolomeo 's partner Girolamo , whom Nicholas had met also on his way to Trebizond , and who had brought the information he did n't wish , at present , to think about .
10 While he ran thorough hands and eyes over his shattered body , Kathleen started cleaning up the chest area ready for the heart monitor after checking the IV line that was running in Haemacel and taking blood for cross-matching , dodging round the radiographer who had brought the portable in and was taking X-rays .
11 It was the woman who had brought the flowers to the pavement .
12 He read out a statement saying : ‘ We and our families are no longer prepared to make sacrifices for those who have brought the army into disrepute .
13 If the Lords rule in favour of the two women who have brought the test case , hundreds of other cases that are pending in Newbury magistrates ' court will have to be dropped and thousands of earlier prosecutions might become subject to compensation claims .
14 A large sports-fishing boat was moored alongside Wavebreaker , but moored so crudely that whoever had brought the powerboat alongside the schooner had not bothered to put out fenders , but instead had gouged long ugly gashes in Wavebreaker 's white paint .
15 That way , whoever had brought the ham and cheese , and she could guess who it must have been , had vanished as they arrived , leaving a set of keys behind .
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