Example sentences of "[Wh pn] have already [vb pp] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They act as though no sexy young woman has ever trod those cobbled streets before , although the nubile daughter of the drunken town bully ( Peter Vaughan ) walks around in the mini-est of mini-skirts especially catching the eye of the long-haired village idiot ( David Warner ) , who has already molested young girls .
2 That hard work has paid dividends for Washington , who has already scored notable career wins over Connors , Chang , Cherkasov , Wheaton and Lendl , and who claimed his first ever senior title in Memphis in February , a win which moved him from 38 to 23 on the IBM/ATP Computer , his highest ever showing .
3 Paul Savage , who has already won Irish championships at novice and intermediate level with Queen 's University , is one of the best prospects in a long time to come ‘ up the road ’ to Hay Island .
4 Christie , who has already signed money-spinning deals with Lucozade and clothing firm High and Mighty since Barcelona , said : ‘ We did n't see why we should pay for a visa when we were prepared to take part in races for nothing .
5 Giles Gordon has sold two thrillers by ex- Mirror editor Mike Malloy to Caroline Upcher at Sinclair-Stevenson , who has already published Sweet Sixteen and is about to publish his Cat 's Paw .
6 But , however this may be , the pope proceeded to the practical consequences of the new state of affairs : those who had already received lay investiture , or done homage , or consecrated others who had received lay investiture , were absolved ; for the future , those who received ecclesiastical preferment and did homage to the king could be consecrated , provided that they had not received investiture at the king 's hands ; and this was to continue until the heart of the king was softened by the rain of Anselm 's preaching .
7 Giardini of course shared his countrymen 's disdain for the German interloper J. C. Bach , who had already achieved modest successes on the London stage : in July 1763 he wrote that Bach had departed to ‘ great regrets and lamentations , but easily dried up without a great handkerchief ’ In the end London had to make do with Vento , who was largely responsible for stitching up patchwork operas from assorted numbers that Leone also helped to collect on his travels .
8 There were the embusqués , who had somehow dodged the war , and the profiteers who had already amassed sizeable fortunes ( from which they were rapidly enriching the restaurateurs and the jewellers , who had never known business to be better ) .
9 In April , at Bayonne , Napoleon , who had already thrown French troops into Spain , compelled Ferdinand to abdicate the throne of Spain in favour of Joseph , the emperor 's brother .
10 We were laying other horses in the race , sometimes taking bets from people who had already backed Travelling Light .
11 They chose Ian Botham , their young hero — he was then twenty-four — who had already performed great deeds in the twenty-five Tests he had so far played .
12 For Saturday 's game Tyrone will parade several of last year' ‘ s side while Monaghan have a handful of players who have already gained senior experience .
13 This , together with improvements in diet and exercise and also in the average man 's or woman 's physical environment throughout the century , may account for the decline in the death-rate which has continued to take place in recent years for those who have already reached middle age ( see Table I.6 ) .
14 The object of this rather clumsy piece of administration is to place some check on the expenditure of local money on the arts — and also to provide a further checkpoint on students who have already received educational grants for other careers .
15 The six who have already pleaded guilty are : Paul Bartley , 22 , of Victoria Road , Middlesbrough ; John Coulson , 28 , of Court Road , Bedlington , Northumberland ; Mark Barry Cross , 23 , of Victoria Road , Middlesbrough ; Alan Davison , 28 , of South Hetton Road , Easington Lane , County Durham ; Anthony Gamble , 21 , of Rugby Terrace , High Clarence , Cleveland ; and Darren Watson , 23 , of Cotswold Crescent , Billingham .
16 This , again , should be no big deal for Cobol programmers , who have already got used to the notion of writing modular code .
17 Prevention strategies have focused on high-risk patients such as those who have already manifested ventricular arrhythmias in the convalescent phase of an acute myocardial infarction or who are survivors of either in-hospital or out-of-hospital cardiac arrest .
18 More than thirty have already been delivered to their owners some of whom have already done crazy things with them — like the man who tried to land on Meribel altiport 's 400-metre long , 6,000 feet high uphill runway with a tailwind .
19 The Agency has been fortunate to find replacements in Professor Robert Jack , Professor Stan Mason , Councillor Jean McFadden and Celia Urquhart , all of whom have already made substantial contributions .
20 We should stress that we shall not be attempting either complete biographies or conventional literary criticism of our chosen authors , most , if not all , of whom have already received considerable attention from both those points of view .
21 They have a particularly broad base of ‘ semi-customers ’ the eight million people with TSB savings accounts , about one in four of whom have already opened current accounts .
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