Example sentences of "[Wh pn] have already [vb pp] their " in BNC.

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1 In the 1930s , both Nicolae Ceauşescu and Elena Petrescu seem to have been introduced to the Communist Party by relatives who had already made their way to Bucharest from the country .
2 There has also been deliberate wooing of parents who had already made their selection , although it is surely obvious that changes in mid-stream can only be damaging , in terms of stability , education and coach/player relationship .
3 He was among the hundreds of thousands of people who had already posted their application forms .
4 First , the residence requirement was imposed on nationals of other member states who had already exercised their right of establishment in Ireland under article 52 of the E.E.C .
5 That over I can remember nothing until I awoke in a pleasant ward with three other mothers who had already seen their offspring .
6 who had already served their time er
7 However , high interest rates in 1989 and 1990 brought about a sharp reduction in sales , and some of those who had already bought their houses found themselves in financial difficulty .
8 So the 907 passengers on board , who had already paid their outward and return fares , who had bought their permits and then been reduced to an official ten Deutschmarks each , would cost $453,500 .
9 The career support scheme , which would be voluntary , would put people seeking advice in touch with others who had already experienced their particular problem and could give them the benefit of their knowledge .
10 Nothing would , in our belief , conduce more to the unity and harmony of the nation than a public policy directed to the provision of equal intellectual opportunities for all , and service to this end would be doubly effective if it came voluntarily as from those who have already received their inheritance , and desire to share with the rest of their countrymen that in which their life and freedom most truly consist .
11 Our two other winners , who were unable to attend the prize-giving ceremony , were I Mainie from Antrim and Ms W Murphy of Donaghcloney , who have already received their watches .
12 The appeal of microcomputers is particularly strong for those who have already defined their needs but are faced with the prospect of months ( or even years ) of delay while waiting for in-house programming resources to be made available .
13 Among the prominent GP sailors who have already indicated their intention of taking part are Richard Estaugh and Simon Relph from England , both past world champions .
14 In most cases strong or monopoly buyers ( national TV systems ( confront American sellers , who have already covered their costs at home .
15 Mr Woodley said the ballot had already achieved its objection of bringing pressure on the receivers and the Government to sanction immediate payments of at least the minimum state redundancy payoff to the 1,600 workers who have already lost their jobs .
16 For those members who have already submitted their views , we would like to thank them and would welcome any additional comments they may have .
17 Sudbury , who have already booked their place in the Spicers Eastern Counties Cup final , are currently sitting three points clear of second-placed London Welsh with just two rounds of matches to play .
18 On the other hand , can peace really be allowed to depend on the goodwill of people who have already shown their contempt for even basic considerations of humanity ?
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