Example sentences of "[Wh pn] told [pron] that he " in BNC.

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1 Throckmorton said that after he had spoken in the House against the Act in Restraint of Appeals , he had been praised by Fisher and two other clerics , Nicholas Wilson and Richard Reynolds [ qq.v. ] , who told him that he need not persevere with such speeches if they seemed to have no effect , but that his example might be of value to others .
2 In the course of my pastoral visiting , before I took a funeral service , I called on the dead man 's son , who told me that he fell out with his father at his wedding twenty years previously and that he was not going to the funeral service now !
3 The taxi driver was a sharp-looking middle-aged man who told me that he was the landlord of the Dove bar in town .
4 In the Southern the staff as always were great and I met a new doctor who told me that he was my brother in Jesus and in the hospitals I met many Christian nurses too .
5 I interviewed the commander of the Venetian fire service who told me that he had three boats at his dispersal and a fourth at half an hour 's readiness .
6 I became involved with him some years ago when I was consulted by Lord Rayne who told me that he had a friend — a leading paediatrician in London — whose daughter was in serious trouble .
7 In my letter to Eliot , enclosing my own article , I had expressed the hope that , in contrast to Rowse , who told me that he considered my letter ‘ ineffective ’ , might approve of it .
8 ‘ I was playing in a particular game and did not think I had done anything spectacular at all when I was approached by Heffernan who told me that he wanted me for the Ireland team to play Australia in the Compromise Rules series , ’ recalls McGilligan .
9 And the fellow who told her that he was from another planet .
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