Example sentences of "[ex0] be [noun] whose [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There are thousands of examples , and in almost every community today there are families whose surnames show that centuries ago one of their ancestors moved sufficiently far from his own country , town or village , to acquire a place-name reference , and the name adhered .
2 In addition there are dancers whose forte is to demonstrate the different national styles when Scottish , Polish , Hungarian and other national dances are included in such ballets as Coppélia and Swan Lake .
3 Clearly , there are some collocations that are independent of distance , but there are others whose behaviour is highly distance dependent [ Jones & sinclair , 1974 ] .
4 So while school or college-leavers can benefit from a relatively standardised approach , there are others whose training programme needs to be structured closely around their specific backgrounds and individual requirements , otherwise a large element of everyone 's input is going to be little more than an wasteful duplication of effort .
5 There are artists whose inspiration and field of action is the landscape itself .
6 And just as the born worrier hurries to the medical dictionary to look up a real or imagined ailment , then medicates the common cold as though it were a terminal condition , so there are Koi-keepers whose ponds are a permanently dilute solution of anti-parasitic/antibacterial preparations … just in case .
7 Often there are projects whose cash flows do not follow the conventional pattern of an initial net outflow followed by a series of net cash inflows .
8 In a constitutional democracy , there are individuals whose status or office gives them the automatic right to be heard .
9 It is well established that there are voters whose preferences are influenced by the alphabetical sequence in which candidates ' surnames appear on the ballot paper .
10 The Scotch Whisky Industry recognises that there are people whose drinking causes them medical or social harm .
11 As well as those born mentally handicapped , there are people whose intellect is impaired as a result of infection or injury to the brain .
12 Surely all that is required for us to make a start is that there should be sentences whose meaning is more nearly confined to what is immediately available to us , not that there be sentences whose meaning can be completely given in terms of their assent conditions .
13 Whatever the anxieties of the superpowers and the world 's energy-consuming community , there were others whose concern was at least comparable , as they lived in the Gulf .
14 If it was necessary for some purpose proper to the existence of the people , then there were engineers whose task it was to build and operate it .
15 A century ago there were empires whose boundaries were difficult for outside traders to penetrate ; now exporters of communications products and services experience difficulties in entering the domestic markets of such large population nations as China , India , USSR , USA , Indonesia , Japan , and Brazil — nations which together have about half the world 's people .
16 However Hahnemann came increasingly to recognize that there were patients whose diseases continually seemed to relapse , or change their form , and such patients could be extremely difficult to treat .
17 It was also recognised that there were patients whose language disorder affected only the processing of written language ( reading and writing ) and others where it was only the processing of spoken language that was impaired .
18 There 's senators whose families came from Germany and Italy and Ireland .
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