Example sentences of "[ex0] is nothing [adj] or " in BNC.

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1 If they do then I 'm sorry , but there is nothing vile or nasty about what we did .
2 There is nothing clever or manly about being dirty and smelly and you have every right to withhold your physical dealings with a body that revolts you .
3 Apart from the thrilling cries that try to resurrect the king , and the still figure of Jack Klaff , there is nothing radical or dynamic in either the vocalisation or the movement .
4 The law of breach of confidence can supplement copyright and patent protection especially in the early stages when there is nothing tangible or substantial enough for copyright or patent to protect .
5 Tallis argues that people talk of ‘ signifieds ’ , when they should say ‘ referents ’ ; there is nothing new or unfamiliar in the idea of verbal signs having multiple or even clashing references , and they have long been exploited by poets and punsters , as Tallis does in the title of his book .
6 Ondaatje perceived this and described the book as being ‘ far nastier and more frightening ’ than Flowers For Hitler ; but the choice of words is unjust : there is nothing nasty or frightening about honest observation .
7 I can assure you that there is nothing sub-standard or left out of a home built machine .
8 There is nothing mysterious or mystical about Dollo 's Law , nor is it something that we go out and " test " in nature .
9 There is nothing regular or reproducible about these experiences , which have indeed a certain quality of uniqueness .
10 There is nothing bored or heavy about it , unlike many houses of this period .
11 There is nothing cruel or stupid about providing a benefit system which more than compensates for the 20 per cent .
12 If we did not have certain terms , for instance if we did not have a word ‘ orange ’ as well as a word ‘ yellow ’ , it is easy to imagine that we would not have a concept of the corresponding colours ; indeed the fact that there is nothing natural or necessary about colour terms is proved , as one of Saussure 's successors argued ( Hjelmslev 1961 : 52ff. ) by the fact that different languages divide up the colour spectrum differently .
13 There is nothing false or sham about those transactions .
14 There is nothing alarming or unusual about methodological problems ; all sciences have them and it is quite common for the questions that people ask to run ahead of the techniques available for answering them .
15 There is nothing peculiar or improper in the courts , or anywhere else , proceeding on the assumption that police conclusions are reliable .
16 There is nothing jolly or medieval about the Daurog .
17 I know it is all of you , body and soul … there is nothing dim or mysterious in our love that we can not fathom or understand. , It was a creed she held tenaciously — sometimes blindly — to the end of her life .
18 There is nothing clear-cut or standardised about it ; but one may envisage ( and sometimes see quite clearly in real life ) the difference in effect between that of divorce when the child is still at the stage of total reliance on the mother , perhaps with fierce submerged conflict with the male parent , and that taking place when the boy is at the age of modelling himself on the father and establishing male identity through him .
19 Some would say that there is nothing remarkable or wrong in working for some group and being paid to answer some question that the group regards as important .
20 The task becomes one of persuading people that earthquakes will not follow , and that this step is merely another in the gradual process of acceptance and tolerance of varied social and sexual behaviour begun by the Sexual Offences Act , 1967 ; that there is nothing harmful or threatening in institutionalizing , and thereby recognizing , a relationship which some fear , many object to , and most still misunderstand .
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