Example sentences of "he concluded that " in BNC.

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1 He concluded that the division into different schools by denomination , sex , and age resulted in an economically inefficient system .
2 Speaking of hearing in Gertrude Stein 's prose the ‘ hypnotic ’ ‘ rhythms ’ of ‘ the saxophone ’ he concluded that if this were of the future , then the future was ‘ of the barbarians ’ .
3 Eventually he concluded that history without salaciousness was the answer , making Victoria the Great ( 1937 ) and its followup , Sixty Glorious Years ( 1938 , US title Queen of Destiny ) as stately pageants , more solemn than exciting .
4 He concluded that the approach was ‘ too heavily fictionalized ’ to go down with an audience that was having to deal with the everyday realities of war .
5 He concluded that a ‘ free and united Germany ’ was conceivable only in ‘ a free and united Europe . ’
6 He concluded that it was .
7 He concluded that the population size of Dall 's porpoise was remarkably large ( it was estimated as low as 790,000 in 1983 ) , and that ‘ the effect of incidental catch was negligible . ’
8 Unlike Bacon , who supposed that his method of inquiry would give certainty , he concluded that judgement on such matters ought to be suspended .
9 He concluded that the horses were whinnying to him through affection .
10 It was for this reason that he concluded that different cells receive different genes .
11 He concluded that , although there were some practices of the Anglican Church with which he disagreed , he nevertheless felt the weight of argument was in favour of conformity .
12 He concluded that a consistent direction of evolutionary change has been-an elaboration of processes of perception and knowing towards an emergence of what we call the mind .
13 He concluded that commentary has conformed very closely to the Committee 's preference for a style that is appropriate and complementary to Commons proceedings .
14 He concluded that , with conditioning , ‘ the significance of the stimulus becomes ‘ certain ’ and as a consequence the ‘ what-is-it reflex ’ loses its biological usefulness ’ ( Grastyan 1961 , p. 245 ) .
15 He concluded that she must have been reading modern novels . )
16 This is supported by Dodson 's ( 1973 ) work , although he concluded that so little water movement was needed to transport small animal bone that in fact transported assemblages are little use for palaeoecological reconstruction .
17 He concluded that in his opinion they had not .
18 He concluded that the test gave satisfactory results for diagnostic purposes .
19 He concluded that his theory could account for the hallucinations .
20 He concluded that he ‘ had no doubt ’ that lead should be totally removed from petrol .
21 And in mid-1980 Irwin Shapiro at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology published an analysis of observations of the transits of Mercury across the Sun 's disc , in which he concluded that the Sun had maintained a constant size since the end of the 17th century ( Science , vol 208. p 51 ) .
22 He concluded that the northern limit of totality was just south of his location .
23 He concluded that ‘ a mandate is a mandate and that she will derive real strength from having overcome so tough a challenge ’ , a stirring endorsement , weakened only by Thatcher 's withdrawal from the contest at about the time the column reached the chattering classes ' breakfast tables .
24 He concluded that the council had not made a sufficient case to justify dismissing their Reporter .
25 This time there were bubbles of water , and he concluded that his first sample — ostensibly uncontaminated fuel — had actually been nearly 100 per cent water .
26 He concluded that the liquidators ought not to make the transcript available to the SFO unless it undertook not to use the statements in the transcript in any prosecution against Mr Naviede ( otherwise than in accordance with s 2(8) ) , and that it would not pass the transcript on to any other authority without first securing a corresponding undertaking .
27 Rogers ( 1951b ) himself reflected on his own advancing years and , applying the actualizing tendency to the problems of ageing in a chapter which asked the question ‘ Growing old : or older and growing ? , he concluded that ‘ I sense myself as older and growing ’ .
28 He concluded that the picture indeed showed the death of a pi-meson , which was important in the history of particle physics , but the idea of capture and energy extraction — not by the pi but by the muon — then began to develop in his mind .
29 He concluded that Lewis had been knocked unconscious before he drowned .
30 He concluded that he shared responsibility for hiring Sutton .
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