Example sentences of "[ex0] [vb mod] appear to [be] " in BNC.

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1 In places there may appear to be almost none ; yet we know that huge numbers of diatoms are produced , but that most are rapidly consumed .
2 Thus , there may appear to be a urethritis when the main problem is in fact an infection in the bladder or in the kidneys , or , more locally , in the prostate gland .
3 Although there may appear to be numerous difficulties , do n't be discouraged .
4 There may appear to be only one suitable candidate for the job .
5 There may appear to be an element of paradox in the notion of semantic relations between lexical units whose meanings , at least on the strong version of the contextual view , are partially constituted by those very relations .
6 In primary and early secondary school there may appear to be no harm done , but when pupils get older and disaffected with school , their teachers become part of ‘ the system ’ .
7 There may appear to be a snag to this account : if how ? is compatible with both versions , and if in the " unacquainted " version we could replace imagine by suppose , why is it that ( 46 ) is ungrammatical ? : ( 46 ) how did Oliver suppose her ?
8 There might appear to be an argument in favour of consistency here , but it is surely eclipsed by the need to recognize that many children remain dependent on their parents until they are at least 18 .
9 There might appear to be very little to navigate by , from the quarter-point to past the three-quarter point , but that is n't true .
10 There might appear to be elements of a feudal vassal status for the Teleuts here .
11 We suggest that , whilst there might appear to be a substitution of temporary for regular workers , the alternative to temporary working would probably be more hiring and firing and more temporary lay-offs .
12 There 'd appear to be out of this office .
13 There would appear to be at least two different reasons why this might be so .
14 Jean-Marie Balestre , the president of FISA , has pointed out that the regulations permit an immediate ban regardless of any appeal and there would appear to be no further argument on that point .
15 THERE would appear to be no future in Newcastle United 's courtship of Roy Aitken , the Celtic captain , following yesterday 's disapproval of the affair by Billy McNeill , manager of the Glasgow club .
16 While there are problems if cattle and sheep are allowed to overgraze pasture , there would appear to be ample evidence to suggest that grazing cattle and sheep on natural grassland can be beneficial to maintaining an ecological balance .
17 Because the efficiency of a curriculum development centre is a direct concern of the Ministry , there would appear to be a much greater probability that the very considerable staffing demands which curriculum development makes should be recognised .
18 There would appear to be less need for heavy garments richly embroidered , which necessitate special care and attention .
19 and in the end mightier thin any of the destructive forces devised by man , yet there would appear to be circumstances when violence is inevitable and unavoidable as in the case of the choice between violence and cowardice .
20 With ‘ non-reminiscers ’ there would appear to be less reason to dwell on the past , and it might be more useful to avoid it unless the counsellor feels that there is a particularly strong reason and purpose for doing so .
21 There would appear to be a considerable number of strange events concerning signal boxes and their environs more so than other areas of unexplained activities .
22 There would appear to be some untold facts about Blea Moor Tunnel as there has been much speculation but very little facts of details .
23 Nevertheless , there would appear to be an optimum recipe , especially in the silver and copper content used to manufacture the brooches found in each cemetery .
24 However , there would appear to be no chance at this time that the T-H-R conclusion will be proved wrong .
25 First , there would appear to be an assumption that these are in their essence unco-operative , something which we would question , and second , the restraint itself would have to be a natural impulse !
26 As one looks to the future , there would appear to be margins of manoeuvre and debate .
27 There is the further consideration that if after a Jury has deliberately decided that a person ought to be put to death , the Home Secretary should nevertheless find it his duty to recommend clemency , there would appear to be a conflict between the Crown and the Jury .
28 There would appear to be no valid reason why poetic achievement should not be analysed by philosophical or even psychological methods .
29 In particular , there would appear to be at least one strategy by the incumbent which breaks the conditions as first laid out .
30 Nevertheless , there would appear to be a case for each authority to provide an annual report in the same way as local authorities .
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