Example sentences of "[ex0] [vb mod] be nothing [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This chapter examines the progress in a reference after the expert has been appointed , and explains : ( 1 ) that there is no set procedure outside the contract ( 11.2 ) ; ( 2 ) that there may be nothing in the contract about the procedure ( 11.3 ) ; ( 3 ) terms of reference ( 11.4 ) ; ( 4 ) procedural directions ( 11.5 ) ; ( 5 ) conduct of the investigation ( 11.6 ) ; ( 6 ) the form of the decision ( 11.7 ) ; ( 7 ) that there are no published procedures for specific applications except the RICS guidance notes ( 11.8 ) .
2 There may be nothing behind it , but it does n't make any difference so long as it is honoured .
3 There must be nothing on it .
4 It was odd that there should be nothing of Reni in the features of either child .
5 They maintained that there should be nothing in Church doctrine , ceremonies or organisation which could not be justified by texts in the Scriptures .
6 And what does say about that ? says that we will keep the level of charges down in the now privately owned companies providing public utilities so there 'll be nothing for dividends .
7 There 'll be nothing for hours .
8 But they wo n't There 'll be nothing in it to identify you .
9 Gloucester still fighting for survival … its the game of the season for the cherry and whites … its the game they want to win more than anyother … last season at Kingsholm they pulled it off … they squeezed home by two points … it was 14-12 to Gloucester and win or lose there 'll be nothing in it tomorrow
10 If this is the case do n't immediately reach for the reset or on/off button because there might be nothing at all wrong .
11 And because there was nothing on costs there could be nothing on cost-effectiveness , no appraisal of different ways of achieving similar goals .
12 Surely it is a ludicrous notion to suppose that two scientists on their own in a remote basement lab could claim to solve the world 's energy problems so that the scientific community would take up this claim , that world leaders would ask for regular briefings and that there could be nothing in it at the end .
13 And suddenly we 'd all be in Amsterdam or Paris or something like somebody 's idea of America for the evening , or else it would still be our own dear city , but from very definitely another era , all striped Regency wallpaper and framed Angus McBean photographs of Vivien Leigh ; or another time there 'd be nothing but opera on the sound system for a whole week , there 'd be complaints of course but Madame would say , I 'm just trying to give you boys an education , and Gary at least would be very happy .
14 There 'd be nothing on them .
15 Snow does have a certain corpuscular arrangement , which fits it to produce ideas of coldness and of whiteness in us ; but just as there is nothing in fire resembling our idea of pain , so there need be nothing in snow resembling the whiteness and coldness it appears to have .
16 There would be nothing but heatless yellow flame for a while .
17 Patrick had once remarked that if Joe were to pack his bags and walk out , there would be nothing of him left behind , no hint , no trace .
18 If one place could not be distinguished from another there would be nothing for me to seem to be saying in saying , ‘ Here ’ in answer to ‘ Where are you ? ’ .
19 If all were clear , undilemmatic and utterly consistent for the members of a society , there would be nothing for them to argue about , and thereby nothing about which to deliberate .
20 The back was taken off so there would be nothing between the sounding-board and the horn , and the pianist was instructed to play ‘ double forte ’ throughout ( 10 ) .
21 In the circumstances , a 9–0 defeat shows that ordinarily there would be nothing between the teams .
22 I consider the most likely candidate for forgery is therefore an unknown cylinder or an unknown acetate disc — in other words , a one-off , which would be difficult to compare with the genuine article , because there would be nothing with which to compare it .
23 But there would be i i in terms of a communist strategy , in terms of an ideology there would be nothing within the countryside which would be promoting that movement towards socialism , that , that change through class conflict would there ?
24 If the courts were to limit the offences to circumstances in which another computer was also involved , there would be nothing in the Computer Misuse Act 1990 to cover industrial espionage or obtaining other confidential security information stored in a company 's computer .
25 He pointed out that there would be nothing in the Act to meet what is itself a mischief frequently encountered today , namely , industrial espionage or obtaining information as to security details or other confidential information which may be stored on a company 's computer .
26 There would be nothing in the Rory Collins thing , she knew that , it was just a wild flirtation .
27 It did n't operate from the bank , and it 's the intention of the council to turn it back into a water-based boat hiring business so there will be nothing along the bank at all .
28 If these principles are undermined for the sake of legal machismo , there will be nothing on which to build .
29 Work hard , get in more business but there will be nothing for you at the end .
30 The management committee will meet and it will divide the money into two and give each one however much the management committee feels that it should have and that management committee need not meet again for twelve months because there will be nothing for it to do .
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