Example sentences of "[been] caused by [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The delay had been caused by difficulties in resolving contractual problems between the A1 Trust and the Flying Scotsman Services .
2 Post-mortem examinations on each of the deceased showed no signs of injuries which could have been caused by contact with the car , he said .
3 This would allow direct measurement of how far senescence in the original population had been caused by accumulation of partially recessive mutations .
4 At least some of the increase in late life fitness in ‘ old ’ lines could have been caused by reduction in the frequency of predominantly late-acting mutations , and a study of the effects of reverse selection suggested that this was the case , and that mutation accumulation had therefore also contributed to ageing in the base stock .
5 With this in mind , many companies give the customer the benefit of the doubt when this does not involve high cost , even though they suspect that the fault may be caused by inappropriate use of the product on the part of the customer ; for example , garden fork manufacturers may replace prematurely broken forks , even though the break may have been caused by work for which the fork was not designed .
6 Detective Superintendent Keith Readman , Head of Durham South CID , revealed yesterday the delay had been caused by surgery to 24-year-old Pringle 's jaw .
7 When Parliament met in the autumn of 1381 , the Speaker expressed the view that the troubles had been caused by abuses in government , notably by purveyance for the royal household and by the levy of taxation for the defence of the realm , particularly as this did not prevent the King 's enemies from raiding England .
8 It has partly been caused by changes in the family itself .
9 Magdalene Rutherford , 66 , first suffered bouts of breathlessness in the mid-Seventies but it was only four years ago that she was told her condition had been caused by exposure to asbestos at the dockyard , a judge heard .
10 He has also examined the well-publicised cluster of leukaemia cases around the Dounreay nuclear plant and concludes it is likely to have been caused by exposure to incoming oil workers rather than radiation from the plant .
11 The problems of all five aircraft were thought to have been caused by fuel with a low octane level .
12 Subsequent legislation and regulation have only supplemented the 1974 Act that made directors , managers and other officers liable to prosecution where they have consented to or have connived at the committing of any offence or where an offence has been caused by neglect on their part .
13 The delay had been caused by uncertainty over the status of Vneshekonombank , the former Soviet foreign affairs bank , which had been taken over by Russia in December [ see p. 38581 ] .
14 Much-travelled Piontek believes England 's lack of goals in recent internationals has been caused by pressure on the new crop of strikers .
15 The possibility that these momentarily high pressures may damage jointed rocks can not be ignored , but there is , curiously enough , no direct evidence as yet that actual damage has been caused by waves of this type .
16 However , during a visit to the spill site on Jan. 2 , the French Environment Minister , Brice Lalonde , said that the delay in managing the crisis had been caused by days of " haggling " between the Iranian government and the Dutch company over fees to be charged for the salvage operation .
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