Example sentences of "[been] found [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 After all , in 1,189 densely-printed pages , space has not been found for a single illustration .
2 At the same time as a new , totally devoted audience had been found for a different kind of comedy film , an equally devoted public was on hand for his radio show .
3 A well thumbed copy of ‘ Discipleship ’ had been found beside a comfortable log , notes had been found headed ‘ Packer — on Holiness ’ .
4 The earlier text is believed to have been written originally in Syriac and to have been found at a Christian monastery in Khuzistan , south-west Iran , near the Iraqi border .
5 THE body of a 26-year-old man who was apparently buried alive while trying to rescue one of his terriers when it became trapped down a hole , has been found on a Welsh mountainside .
6 Similarly high U contents ( although with less Th ) have been found in a small zircon inclusion in a Zaire diamond .
7 Moreover , cytochrome P450 1A1 associated mon-oxygenase activity ( ethoxyresorufin 0-deethylase ) has been found in a small group of colon carcinomas .
8 The bodies of two men have been found in a burnt out pick-up truck .
9 Although the specific physiological mechanism which they proposed to explain the effect , based on Livingston 's ( 1967a , 1967b ) ‘ Now Print ! ’ theory has attracted little support , the basic demonstration of a surprising ability to report such memories even after considerable delays attracted a great deal of interest and has now been found in a large number of studies ( e.g. Bohannon , 1988 ; Christianson , 1989 ; Colegrove , 1899 ; McCloskey , Wible & Cohen , 1988 ; Pillemer , 1984 ; Winograd & Killinger , 1983 ; Yarmey & Bull , 1978 ) .
10 Listeria bacteria has been found in a high percentage of chilled foods throughout East Anglia .
11 THE bodies of newly-born twin girls have been found in a derelict house .
12 Anti-terrorist detectives were unwilling to discuss the exact location and size of the haul but it is understood to have been found in a lock-up garage ‘ within a few miles ’ of Northolt , north-west London , where the arrests were made .
13 Subsequent reports put the numbers of dead and wounded far higher , the opposition daily Madagascar Tribune claiming that 138 people had been killed by the guard , and that , in addition , 40 to 80 corpses had been found in a mass grave .
14 It is best known from the presbytery garden at Chatillon-en-Diois in the French Alps , but has also been found in a single block in Poland , as a single specimen in Czechoslovakia , at a single locality in California and at not more than two or three other places in the world .
15 Their bodies have been found in a secluded house with a shotgun lying nearby , and detectives are trying to piece together how they died .
16 Just after dawn that day her corpse , cold and hard , had been found in a rat-infested spinney .
17 ONE of Britain 's rarest bugs , never before seen in Scotland , has been found in an ancient woodland in Fife .
18 However , none of them has been found in an archaeological context and they have aroused considerable suspicion : they could be relatively modern copies loosely based on Italic originals ; they could be genuine prehistoric imports ; or they could be perfectly genuine figures brought to Britain relatively recently as curios and since discarded or lost .
19 Having no evidence against the defendant , they falsely asserted that his fingerprint had been found in an incriminating place in order to elicit admissions from him .
20 Enlarged ventricles have been found in an identical twin who develops schizophrenia , compared to the one who does not .
21 He said that the long-distance part of the network has been costing the government around £11m per year to run : ‘ It has been found by a continued process of review that it is no longer cost-effective for the government to continue running it itself , ’ he said .
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