Example sentences of "[been] [adv] successful [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Their act had been incredibly successful in the fifties and they had shared the bill with Judy Garland and Sammy Davis Jnr .
2 Unions such as the engineering workers and the electricians , which have been most successful over the past decade ( and which , incidentally , embraced democratic reforms years ago ) , have attempted to improve the terms and conditions of their members by other means .
3 We have been most successful in the past few years in attracting investment from 18 countries .
4 Exit-poll findings and election returns showed that Tyminski had been most successful in the countryside and small towns , where the benefits of the economic reforms had so far been negligible , and among young people waiting for housing and workers concerned about their jobs .
5 Our shops have been outstandingly successful in the last two years and have raised extra money which is ploughed back into our wider work .
6 William Agnew 's splendid efforts on behalf of the deaf of Glasgow could not have been entirely successful without the support he received from a number of other deaf individuals .
7 This approach has been highly successful with the thalassaemias , a group of disorders which bear many similarities to sickle cell disease .
8 The keel has been highly successful under the Impala Burhou and will bring its bulb and winglet form to this new cruiser-racer .
9 They have been highly successful in the United States , and in many European countries .
10 The hearing was told how Mr Lighten , who ran his own solicitors in Grosvenor Street , Chester , had been highly successful until the last two years .
11 And er , we get a panel of young engineers and a panel of school teachers and they actually erm go to a school , they sit down , look at the national curriculum and decide which parts they can actually participate in and it 's been so successful at the moment , realise the trouble is we 're somewhere about five thousand , six hundred secondary schools in the U K you realise it 's a mammoth task !
12 The H16 engine was designed for the 3-litre formula that came into effect in 1966 and was developed from mating a pair of the 1.5-litre V8s that had been so successful in the preceding years .
13 The Peace Alliance had , as a result , attracted support from a variety of national figures , but had not been so successful in the organized Labour movement .
14 ( In the penal field , this would appear to be true of the Home Office which has been largely successful over the years in getting its strategy of ‘ penological pragmatism ’ implemented : see Chapters 1 and 10 ; Bottoms , 1990a ; and Fitzgerald and Sim , 1990 . )
15 That the policies have been more successful in the pressurized areas should not be surprising ; the most powerful planning instrument available is still development control and this , of course , can be effective only in areas of growth .
16 Last year 's innovations include Promise Ultra , a spread containing no saturated fat , which has been instantly successful in the US , and is likely to arrive soon in the UK , and an iced tea , jointly promoted with Pepsico .
17 Keg bitters and lager have been enormously successful for the brewers not as a result of genuine consumer demand but due to saturation advertising .
18 ‘ But in America , these guaranteed equity funds have been enormously successful in the past three or four years , and I see can see that happening in Britain too . ’
19 History of this sort , which offers to explain the relations between properties of societies , has been enormously successful in the past thirty years or so and provides a clear conception of how the underlying interest of holism can guide social enquiry .
20 The Princess has been pre-eminently successful in the creation of an independent role for herself .
21 Sun has been fairly successful in the Unix multiprocessing arena .
22 We 've been uniquely successful in the amalgamation stakes .
23 They have been particularly successful within the Pacific-rim economies , and perhaps as much as one-fifth of world trade went through them by the mid-1980s .
24 That policy has been manifestly successful over the past 12 months in reducing the rate of inflation to 3.7 per cent .
25 These methods have been relatively successful in the practical area of forecasting economic and social time series .
26 Some years ago she had gone to stud , with her colt foal at foot , to be served by a stallion who had been very successful on the race track .
27 This approach has been very successful in the study of insect development ( Chapter 7 ) .
28 Both companies feel that their architectures are complementary ; he adds that Cascade has been very successful in the US and that the product has ‘ a number of innovative features ’ .
29 However , this small series of meetings ( of usually around 30 people ) , have been very successful in the past and by almost unanimous agreement each meeting has requested that the series continue .
30 British handhelds have n't been too successful in the past ( remember the Gamate ?
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