Example sentences of "[been] [verb] to the south " in BNC.

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1 However , as it was formerly part of the University and wished to revert to that status , the former has merged with University College , Cardiff — with the exception of its Social Work courses and its Higher National Diploma in Institutional Management which have been transferred to the South Glamorgan Institute — and the latter has remained a separate institution .
2 Kate Redmond was now engaged to a quiet American , Gene Romero , and he had been moved to the South Coast in readiness for the invasion .
3 The Buckfastleigh section , now known as the Primrose Line , has been leased to the South Devon Railway Trust who are supported by the Dart Valley Railway Association and will operate it very much as before but adding various events to attract railway enthusiasts : in this the Trust will have the fullest support and cooperation from the Company line .
4 Drilling operations had meanwhile been shifted to the south , and oil was finally struck in Masjid-i-Suleiman on 26 May 1908 , just as D'Arcy and Burmah were on the point of giving up .
5 Two council house estates have been introduced to the south and west .
6 TWO members of a well-known regional chambers have been appointed to the South Eastern court circuit .
7 It has been submitted to the South Oxfordshire District Council full planning committee and has been approved , and it is now going down to the South Oxfordshire District Committee , but I do n't quite why it 's going
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