Example sentences of "for several days " in BNC.

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1 The English boy used to work in the hospital for a day at a time , and then be off for several days .
2 Modern cook-chill processes , using liquid nitrogen , chill partly cooked food very rapidly to just above freezing point at which temperature it will keep perfectly for several days .
3 A total of 478 students were arrested at the time and held for several days .
4 He said : ‘ I have been involved in detailed talks with Michael Knighton for several days .
5 Many people are taken away hooded and chained and are interrogated for several days before being released .
6 I felt a strong feeling of nausea as I realised that I had put my hand through the chest of a dead British soldier that could have been lying in the ditch for several days .
7 After 30 minutes the dyes will have completely penetrated the reed which is then dried out on sheets of newspaper for several days .
8 Reine was our base for several days .
9 Test the irritancy level of your skin by applying the product to the inside of your elbow for several days and see if there 's a reaction .
10 Make the base with Oasis to keep the flowers fresh for several days .
11 A flight crossing several time zones and staying at your destination for several days
12 On 30 June Colonel Wilkinson was at his desk catching up on policy matters after having been away for several days visiting units in the Liverpool area and attending an Army Catering Corps Promotion Selection Board held at Exeter .
13 They had been set up in the Heumensoord Camp for several days , but today an air of excitement pervaded the squadron .
14 Because the polling system is new and complex , the results will not be known for several days , but most observers expect the local party 's candidates to come in far behind the Popular Front and other unofficial groups .
15 For several days his body was ‘ thrust aside , hidden under a piece of furniture by his landlady , so that she might not lose the chance of showing the room to a prospective new lodger . ’
16 prompted by a local superstition that sheep 's breath would discourage further contamination , Mr Parsons drove a flock of sheep into the house , where the animals were allowed to roam the ground floor rooms for several days .
17 ‘ I would think it 's been here for several days , sir .
18 He also combed a little Grecian 2000 into his hair for several days before his date with Alison .
19 On the contrary , they feed when food is available , frequently going without for several days , and then gorging .
20 I did n't see him for several days .
21 Her own intense excitement had given way to a hollow feeling in her stomach and she had been quite unable to eat for several days .
22 In February 1974 , Mr Heath lost his overall majority , but remained in office for several days while he tried to do a deal with Mr Jeremy Thorpe and the Liberals to keep him in power .
23 She will remain on a ventilator for several days and will then require months of surgery and post-operative care .
24 Whatever inhibitory material was present appeared only after the mould had grown for several days , so there was an obvious advantage in having a stock of the active principle ready for bacteriological experiments .
25 The main features of tabes are an inability to balance when the eyes are shut , numbness , and ‘ tingling ’ sensations , ‘ lightning pains ’ , which are sharp , shooting pains , usually in the lower limbs , which may come and go in a short time or last for several days without remission .
26 Faintly bluish spots may develop at the site of a louse bite and persist for several days .
27 She had been off work for several days and Lovebird had kept her in bed and fed her chicken soup from the stove .
28 Once the abscesses burst , they usually discharge for several days before gradually healing up often with an obvious scar which can remain visible for several months .
29 For several days , maybe up to a week before that , whatever I was doing it was leading him to that decision .
30 In the exceptionally heavy snowfalls of 1940 and 1981 , several trams were stranded and the service suspended for several days .
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