Example sentences of "for far growth " in BNC.

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1 Master Foods sector development manager Kathryn Bowler says : ‘ Pasta is one of the fastest expanding areas of the UK 's catering market and there is plenty of potential for further growth .
2 However , Europe 's per capita consumption is still less than half that of the US or Japan , showing that there is still considerable scope for further growth .
3 Schering-Plough managing director Tony Cork said his team was relocating as part of its plans for further growth .
4 The firm is looking for further growth , especially overseas , chiefly by acquisition and joint venture ; now with several clients in Australia and elsewhere in the Far East , the London office is feeling the lack of branches in that area , despite its comparative strength in the USA .
5 It seems that , once a certain level of competitiveness has been achieved , private capital markets can supply the resources that are needed for further growth .
6 Kenya faces a dilemma in its search for further growth , for a favourable climate is clearly not enough for success .
7 The group 's factory and offices in Coventry are currently being re-equipped and refitted to provide the necessary facilities for further growth in the sportswear and equipment market .
8 The fair , which attracted a record-breaking 10,678 visitors and 4,085 publishing personnel from 867 companies , is set for further growth .
9 But also , he was drawn towards Bernard , whose vision and single-mindedness he greatly admired , and a business which he felt had great potential for further growth .
10 ‘ We have found the quality of staff , the communications and facilities offered by the city to be excellent which is why we have selected Glasgow for further growth of our core business and the centralisation of some functions . ’
11 With the launch of the joint initiative ‘ Fast Forward with Further Education ’ by the Scottish Education Department , COSLA and SCOTVEC , there is potential for further growth in the National Certificate 's uptake .
12 Cisplatin and carboplatin continue to be the world 's top selling platinum anti-cancer drugs and exciting opportunities for further growth in this important sector are being pursued .
13 Our operational area embraces the commercial core of Scotland 's largest city , offering great potential for further growth .
14 A more aggressive sales campaign for this capsule collection was also launched in the important U.S. and Japanese markets , creating opportunities for further growth .
15 A decade after the White Paper had defined their purposes , they had successfully recruited students ; provided sandwich courses ; established themselves in science and technology , administrative , business and social studies , and other subjects ; focussed on vocationally-oriented courses ; sustained a commitment to part-time courses , and secured a firm basis for further growth .
16 It is known that approximately 30% of benign tumours will become ‘ invasive ’ and therefore it is possible that an increase in protein synthesis , which would be needed for further growth , might herald the development of the malignant phenotype and invasion by the tumour cells .
17 Little Chef , for example , already Britain 's largest table service restaurants chain , has over 350 outlets nationwide , and has ambitious plans for further growth , while Happy Eater provides an attractive alternative for families and business travellers alike at 88 locations throughout the UK .
18 Now looking for the future , is there an opportunity on the shop front , for further growth ?
19 Our region is poised for further growth once the election is out of the way .
20 After 5 washes in PBS , positive colonies ( heavily coated with paramagnetic beads ) were easily identified and were transferred individually for further growth and harvest of cell supernatants .
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