Example sentences of "for far development " in BNC.

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1 If the idea of mobilizing community resources is to mean anything at all it must include helping parents and other carers to meet , and clarify needs , expectations and possibilities for further development .
2 PIB also approved plans for further development of the Society 's library as a major London-based source of chemical information .
3 17.67 We have referred in paragraphs 17.60 , 17.61 and 17.65 to the process of continuous assessment , and to the function of the samples of children 's work in providing a basis for further development .
4 It was however in the late 1950s that a dog arrived who embodied everything that was thought to be correct , a living blueprint for further development .
5 Already a highly developed multipurpose recreation area , plans for further development have generated concerns about wildlife protection , especially in relation to a herd of bighorn sheep whose range includes Mount Allan that houses one of the main Olympic pistes .
6 At this stage it was not the intention to explore the real world on the basis of the model , but to use the model as a starting point for further development , and the analysts concentrated on specifying the transformation required , without too much concern about the system ownership , actors , etc .
7 Nevertheless , some of these recommendations offer the possibility of co-ordinated purpose to user education and also perhaps stimulate the co-operation that is required for further development .
8 During the year 5 additional premises were added to our estate , and 3 older houses unsuitable for further development were disposed of .
9 Reading a chapter in a book wo n't give you either of these , but it may be able to offer you some explanations , understanding and suggestions for further development .
10 ‘ The more it develops , the more possibilities suggest themselves for further development .
11 Or at least the basis for further development .
12 The money is earmarked for further development and marketing .
13 Netwise Inc has picked up $8.5m in third-round venture capital from eight firms including Hancock Venture Partners and the Japan Associated Finance Co , both of whom are new to the company : the money will be used for further development .
14 to provide a sound basis for further development of the lexicographical system
15 In another school , the committee had a detailed agenda for further development which would go into operation once the teachers ' dispute was resolved .
16 All rural settlements in the areas were classified according to their size , existing facilities and the scope for further development .
17 His current research is extending into a study of how teachers ' own writing about classroom processes makes explicit their implicit educational values , thereby enabling these values to be critically appraised by other teachers , and to be opened for further development .
18 On learning their secret , Martin agreed to pay for further development and the cost of the patents taken out on the dephosphorization process in 1877 and 1878 .
19 There are several good word processing programs and a fair choice of simple modelling/what if … packages , some linking to statistical and plotting programs It is the area of database management that I believe provides the greatest scope for further development .
20 ‘ It should not only be retained but given the go-ahead for further development , involving new advanced PWRs to replace the aging Magnoxes .
21 On this basis the Sub-Committee selected the set of submissions for further development to Phase 2 , and in some cases gave guidance on the approach to be adopted .
22 Taking into account both costs and functions , the better-value proposals are identified for further development .
23 Taking into account both costs and functions , the better-value proposals are identified for further development .
24 A model for further development of the concept of partnership had been agreed , and Developments in Partnership in Validation — the ‘ blue book ’ as it was nicknamed from its cover — was in circulation by September .
25 I think five thousand is just too large and if if there were a need post two thousand and six for a larger , for a for further development , and Tadcaster , two of the 7
26 Priorities for further development include more sensitive hydrocarbon sensors , so that oil pollution can be spotted more quickly and eco-sounders able to monitor fish stocks directly .
27 S1 and S2 The courses in S1 and S2 are designed , not only to stimulate an interest in and an enjoyment of the subject , but also to provide the pupils with a basic ‘ tool-kit ’ , necessary for further development .
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