Example sentences of "[Wh adv] long he [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 No matter how long he lived in Paris , or how wild his life was , he retained a love for Eugenia and a sense of family honour that jibed awkwardly with the easy amorality of the crowd .
2 How long he lay against Mick he did n't know ; he only knew that between the sounds he had been emitting and the wash of tears that seemed to have drained him dry , a voice within him had kept repeating : ‘ She killed your father , Mick ; she killed your father .
3 In the past I 'd just resented how long he spent in the office .
4 Perhaps the only thing that kept Dauntless Javelot from perishing of dreariness and despair was the fact that no matter how long he rode through the forest , he never seemed to visit the same place twice .
5 We do not know how long he stayed in Paris — it could have been as long as a decade .
6 He could n't cry , he could n't feel ; he did n't know how long he stood outside the door , leaning against the greasy wall .
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