Example sentences of "[Wh adv] they [be] [be] held " in BNC.

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1 The Guardian 's cartoonist showed one health official saying to another : ‘ These regional days of action are so badly organized that Len Murray has to ring up Norman Fowler to ask where they are being held . ’
2 In early April two young farm labourers , Valdecir Ferreira and Altair Gomes , narrowly escaped death when a mob 1,500-strong stormed and set fire to the prison where they were being held for the gory knife murder of a taxi-driver , in the state of Parana .
3 About fifty people due on the flight today were stopped at Baghdad airport by Iraqi authorities , it 's not clear why they 're being held .
4 Recently 55 more trade unionists have been arrested , yet those who were detained immediately after the 30 June coup have been neither interrogated , charged nor given an explanation of the reason why they are being held .
5 And in July 1986 , 28 women were teargassed in their communal cell in Pollsmoor when they demanded to know why they were being held .
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