Example sentences of "[Wh adv] [adv] [pron] [modal v] go " in BNC.

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1 WHEN I WAS GROWING UP , the boys I hung around with used to have competitions to see how long they could go without changing their underpants .
2 It was not yet decided how long she should go for .
3 Not having a good night 's sleep is the main thing and not knowing how long it 'll go on for .
4 Guess erm how long it 'll go ?
5 [ In talking about continued home care ] I can stand the strain at the moment , but I do n't know for how long I can go on .
6 We 've done it for years , even won the FA Cup , but I do n't now how long I can go on .
7 I was whirling it round and round — I was getting tireder and tireder and wondering how long I could go on …
8 All the scenes she made out of nothing were part of another , more insidious pleasure she was experiencing : she wanted to see how much punishment he would take , how long he would go on bowing his head .
9 I want to see how long he 'll go on denying the fact that he was listening in , she told herself to justify her inability to leave .
10 These groups refused to be specific as regards how far they would go in their opposition but , as Peter Shanley of the MEG told Today Tonight ‘ We 're not ruling out any action whatsoever ’ .
11 They still employed enough hired and expensive help to negotiate for them , but with instructions how far they could go .
12 They use a sophisticated cost-benefit computer model to work out how far they should go in luring any given company with tax breaks or grants of land .
13 If you want to know how how far they can go , read The Leading Edge , an occasional bulletin published by the Nevada Aerial Research Group that generally carries at least 15 of the biggest stories in the history of mankind in each issue .
14 Teenagers frequently appear to be resentful of parents or teachers but in reality this is often a sign that they are testing authority and seeing just how far they can go .
15 Second , how do they know how far they can go ?
16 Children do this frequently to see just how far they can go .
17 Once you go through reception they do n't know what you 're like , or what your background is , but they tend to be rough with you and push you and see how far they can go — and most of the girls crack .
18 Tantrums are also a way for children to test out boundaries : at the age of two or three , they are finding out just how far they can go with their parents , and how much control they can gain .
19 They 're also testing exactly how far they can go with mum and dad .
20 I think it would affect their marriages , their inter-personal relationships , their co-habitations , the way that they deal with people at work , their sense of who they are in the world and how far they can go in the world , and I think that 's what makes the problem so serious because it has very , very long-reaching effects .
21 We shall now try to categorize these formal links and then examine how far they will go in helping to explain why a succession of sentences is discourse , and not just a disconnected jumble .
22 How far they will go in the game I do n't know but there is a great basis there , ’ reflects Bingham .
23 A theoretical stress upon biblical study , an active laity , the reunion of Christians , and a positive commitment to the service of the world in its cultural , social and economic needs , coupled with an absence of guidance as to how all this was to be done and how far one could go in these various directions , led both to a state of real popular enthusiasm but also , almost inevitably , to tension and conflict .
24 Although it is relatively easy to illustrate the process of modelling in a book or at a lecture , in real life there are problems in deciding how far one should go and what level of detail is appropriate .
25 They 're testing us out , seeing how far we 'll go in granting them permission to build . ’
26 Two answers may be given : first , just as they illuminate many other areas of social life , the methods and findings of our rivals may help us understand the work of the professions ( to illustrate this , some of my examples will be drawn from medical novels ; no doubt legal novels will be equally instructive ) ; second , it is not clear how far we can go in understanding other occupations ' behaviour unless we grasp that of our own .
27 We do need to be able to show forgiveness in all the things that we do but it is n't easy and Jesus devotion to is a great challenge to us as to just how far we can go .
28 And then we used to be playing top , we 'd a top right round the village , see how far we could go .
29 I do nt mind personal criticism of players … but I just think there s a limit to how far we should go .
30 There were boundaries as to how far he would go , but in his own way Branson was as much committed to creating a spectacle as McLaren and Reid , if for very different reasons .
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