Example sentences of "it looks like " in BNC.

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1 But it looks like the next generation is here .
2 Rambo 's won first time , and now it looks like they 've got a decent horse . ’
3 ‘ Well , now that I am here it looks like I shall stay until things quieten down .
4 It 's odd by current supercar standards because as BMW 's 300bhp V12 engine was never meant to be a stressed item — it is carried in a subframe sling — but otherwise it looks like it could be built tomorrow .
5 It looks like they 're going to say summat bad on account of how serious they 're looking .
6 The lights in the caff are still on — it looks like it 's open , but it ai n't , cos I tried the doors and they 're locked .
7 It looks like the shop door has once more closed in his face .
8 ‘ And it looks like we 'll be moving there , if she sticks to the asking price , so you 'd better get used to the idea .
9 Simon pulled himself up inside the kiosk : ‘ It looks like a bomb 's hit it ! — Is that the cash-box over there ?
10 As for movies which might use the old gothic mechanisms to haunt the imagination in more complex ways , to plunge you into the real nightmare of history , in the politically and morally conservative world of modern Hollywood it looks like they do n't stand a ghost of a chance
11 It looks like she 's going to last for a lot more than that . ’
12 He 's got to work this one out for himself sooner or later , and it looks like it 's going to be sooner . ’
13 ‘ And , ’ added Gary on this occasion , ‘ it looks like she 's not coming back . ’
14 Maxine : It looks like I 'm going to pick it up , but I 'm not .
15 And it looks like I 'm going to have to attend to that jockey girl . ’
16 With a lively three-year-old and a baby who grabs at everything in reach , it looks like I 'll be forced to live in near-empty rooms for some years to come .
17 It looks like they duped him all along , duped all of us . ’
18 ‘ Well , Fred , it looks like we 've got a slight delay as a pitbull strays on to the pitch ’
19 It looks like it 's going to be a record , ’ said group MD Tony Salem .
20 It looks like different rules apply .
21 The good land was taken off them and now it looks like we 're going to be driven into the ‘ badlands ’ again .
22 Either way , it looks like women will be as eager as men to invest in a tux for Christmas .
23 A Republican aide said despairingly : ‘ It looks like we 've lost Kentucky .
24 Royal watcher Margaret Holder said : ‘ It looks like it is going to be an unhappy time for the Queen and everyone else .
25 It looks like they can not make the Queen pay tax so they are coming after us instead .
26 It looks like he 's trying to out-do her in her field while she moves into his .
27 Now … it looks like we 're in a line of humans . ’
28 It looks like we 're going to be taken back to Woodstock here , ’ quipped Patrick Forge recently , as the motley Mother Earth crew took the stage at his and Gilles Peterson 's Talkin Loud night at the Fridge in Brixton .
29 Professional verdict : It looks like they 've gone back in time to the Fifties — not very practical
30 ‘ I need that cash for a deposit on my new place , but it looks like it 's gone for good now . ’
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