Example sentences of "it [adv] recommended " in BNC.

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1 It thus recommended that the age should ultimately be raised to 68 for men and 63 for women .
2 It further recommended that LEAs provide training courses for parents and all those who work with children .
3 It further recommended that greater effort should be made to employ and promote teachers from ethnic minority groups , though without positive discrimination or lowering of standards .
4 It also recommended the replacement of reserve currencies ( $US , Deutsche Mark , etc. ) with a new form of international liquidity supplied by the IMF .
5 It also recommended the appointment of a Chief Inspector of Constabulary answerable to the Home Secretary , and that the post be filled without delay .
6 Significantly , however , it also recommended safeguards against the dismissal of chief officers including a proposal to prevent dismissal of a chief executive except on the vote of two-thirds of council membership .
7 It also recommended that new entrants to the industry should be encouraged to attend short induction courses providing practically oriented instruction and information on opportunities in industry ; and that craft education should be founded on two interrelated phases , normally completed within two or three years depending on whether or not full-time study is included , leading to a national craft qualification .
8 It also recommended expansion of nursery provision , the ending of corporal punishment in primary schools , and greater attention to the needs of slow learners , handicapped children and the children of immigrants .
9 It also recommended an increase in the numbers of educational psychologists , aiming at a ratio of one per 10,000 children .
10 It also recommended that children whose needs could not be met within the resources of the ordinary school should have a record ( which came to be called a ‘ statement ’ ) of their special educational needs drawn up by a multi-professional team .
11 It also recommended that EC countries tighten up import controls .
12 It also recommended that the cost of road fund licences be reduced for those vehicles which meet new stricter limits on emissions about to be agreed by the European Community , and that excise duty levied on diesel fuels be cut for those which meet EC standards .
13 It also recommended that all equity transactions should be published immediately , except those larger than the value of NMS , whereby publication will occur within 90 minutes .
14 In a press conference in Rabat on Aug. 14 Hakim said that the attitude of the Algerian government , and specifically of Defence Minister Khalid Nezzar , had changed , and that it now recommended that a " rapid settlement " with Morocco be found .
15 Again like Crowther , it strongly recommended the raising of the school leaving age to 16 [ this eventually happened in 1972 ] and the provision of a more stimulating and demanding curriculum so that pupils had a wider choice of courses , including some ‘ broadly related to occupational interests ’ , and others concerned with personal and social development , and ‘ imaginative experience through the arts ’ .
16 It initially recommended Sun Microsystems Inc workstations to run it , and also has an agreement with Stratus Computer Inc under which it is marketed under the Stratus FTX fault-tolerant Unix .
17 It therefore recommended that the WEA should continue as a teaching as well as an organising body , while suggesting that some increase in financial contributions from voluntary sources ‘ would materially help to preserve its independence and its status as a voluntary body ’ — a hint that the WEA could not expect to rely too heavily on government or local authority aid and that its members and friends must continue to dig deep into their pockets .
18 It did not want any kind of disorder to be filmed , including unparliamentary behaviour by Members ( or even Members trying to attract attention by wearing fancy dress or clothes bearing slogans ) , and it therefore recommended that in all cases of disruption or disorder the director should cut to wide-angle shots , which would not show the offending incident , or to the occupant of the Chair .
19 It therefore recommended a unifying and rationalising curriculum structure , in the form of a set of criteria that existing and future courses might satisfy , with national validation but allowing scope for flexibility and local initiative .
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