Example sentences of "[num ord] thing i [verb] is " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Well , the first thing I noticed is that it omits the date of birth .
2 I get told off by my girlfriend because I wake up in the morning and the first thing I say is , ‘ Flippin' heck , have you sent those newsletters off yet ? . ’
3 The first thing I think is ‘ Uh oh , Galilei , your rear end is in a pasta maker now ’ .
4 Every time I come back from my holidays , the first thing I open is the premium bond win .
5 ‘ The first thing I want is a bath , ’ said Kenichi Horie after coming ashore on the southern island of Okinawa .
6 The first thing I feel is cold ; it seeps into my skin , soaks my limbs .
7 Comfort , to me , means warmth , and whenever I change homes the first thing I do is make it as warm as possible .
8 And the first thing I do is call you . ’
9 ‘ The first thing I do is break his arm , ’ he announced .
10 The first thing I do is check the stocks , followed by date returns and er , you know , erm , get that done , out of the way , and start looking at the , of the night , and what have you , setting that up , and maybe the late night process , hand over from the branch manager , walk round doing any detail he wants me to do , and hand over from late nights .
11 I get up in the morning , first thing I do is light a cigarette .
12 Right , I , the first thing I do is go out and sweep it off the road then , I ca n't , I just ca n't remember
13 The first thing I notice is the quietness — helped along , admittedly , by carpets in many parts of the building .
14 The last thing I remember is Matt The Tube from Jim Rose 's Circus Sideshow getting a loud cheer as he pulled a straw from his nose with a pair of pliers .
15 A police-horse running towards me at speed , shouts of terror from women in the crowd ; I fall down from fear and weakness — and the last thing I hear is a man shouting near me — ‘ Our day will come ! ’
16 ‘ The last thing I need is to keep arguing with the chairman .
17 ‘ The last thing I need is some husband-hunting female , scarcely out of the schoolroom , who thinks this is going to be some sort of pleasure cruise ! ’
18 We are determined to make it work — the last thing I want is to be a laughing stock among local farmers if I fail . ’
19 The last thing I want is to impale this dancing , living creature upon the stake of meaning .
20 The last thing I want is for the case to be closed .
21 Lewis said yesterday : ‘ The last thing I want is to get the title outside the ring .
22 The last thing I want is to upset him or the family — I ca n't bear hurting people — but I 'm harmless ; you can tell him that ! ’
23 The last thing I want is for them to be used as pawns in political games of chess to suit the personal ambitions of politicians .
24 The very last thing I note is which direction a swim faces and for this I carry a small compass .
25 The next thing I remember is coming to on the canal bank , and a man bending over me asking if I was all right .
26 Then he hit me with the butt of his gun and the next thing I remember is coming round to find my colleagues crouched anxiously beside me .
27 The next thing I remember is standing on the motorway verge , waving for help .
28 The next thing I recall is hearing Daniel 's screams and going looking for him .
29 But the next thing I do is buy a case on Famagusta Instant Golden Enriched Noodles .
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