Example sentences of "have met before " in BNC.

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1 Since a high proportion of residents in Homes are frail , you may have to assist with nursing care and may come across conditions which you may not have met before in elderly people .
2 Part 1 uses a listening or reading text to revise grammar that students will probably have met before .
3 We are left talking to each other almost as if we had met before .
4 It was as though they had met before , these two , on some other plain or in some other desert , Assessing and being assessed , wanting and being wanted , probing and being probed , they began ( without intending it ) a long , slow dance of self recognition , silently accusing each other , wordlessly accusing themselves .
5 Quite unlike the dry , academic , sexless lady consultants he had met before .
6 Jobs , as well as grants , were on offer , and people whom Lowe had met before started working there .
7 When Ewen Mackay suggested that they had met before , I had thought that the other man had countered with a faintly wary look .
8 She was n't sure if he would come , but it never occurred to her not to go to the rock where they had met before .
9 But again , there was that odd feeling that they had met before .
10 To make matters worse , there was a cast to his expression and a pitch to his voice which Harry found strangely familiar , as if , inconceivable though he knew it to be , they had met before .
11 He was so unlike any of the people I had met before … ’
12 Among them was Vitor , standing with the Dalgety executive whom she had met before .
13 It seems as if they 've met before ; ’
14 Cowley said , ‘ We 've met before . ’
15 Still more mystified , Connor replied , ‘ Since you 're feeling generous , I 'll take a half-pint of our best bitter … but if we 've met before , I have to admit I do n't remember the occasion . ’
16 We 've met before , have n't we ? ’
17 ‘ But we 've met before , have n't we , Mr Scott ? ’
18 Stella said , ‘ You sound as if you 've met before . ’
19 We 've , we 've met before at
20 He must have been equally surprised to see her but he recovered first , and while Rachel was still floundering to find something to say and Julie was murmuring something about hoping he would enjoy working at OBEX he said , ‘ Actually , we 've met before .
21 ‘ We 've met before , I think .
22 Where problems do arise over cutting out narrow strips — which we have met before — it is sometimes best to cut in the background piecemeal , gluing in each subsection of background separately as you go along .
23 These people , the pubescent schoolkid , the 45-year-old English professor , the dim college girl , we have met before , and we might be pleased to see them again , but neither they nor their predicaments quite justify so uncritical a veneration .
24 We have met before .
25 ‘ We have met before , I think , ’ he said .
26 ‘ We have met before , I think , ’ he said .
27 Pressure refers to the subjective corollaries that we have met before : rush , confusion , uncertainty and anxiety .
28 And , unless you are that raving genius we have met before , you would do well to analyse exactly what it is your detective novel is about before you embark on detailed plotting , let alone the actual writing .
29 We have met before — and we have nothing more to say to one another .
30 ‘ We have met before ? ’
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