Example sentences of "have little option " in BNC.

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1 But if an incident has occurred involving violence or which leads to a soured atmosphere at work , management may consider that it has little option but to take action .
2 It will hold all the excess line you are ever likely to need , and its very concept of reeling will preserve the line from those snarls we mentioned earlier , because the line has little option but to reel back in the same form as it was reeled out .
3 After all , a fox being pursued to ground by a pack of baying dogs to the point of sheer exhaustion and possibly ravaged to pieces in their final kill has little option of a prior engagement .
4 In these conditions , the government has had little option but to accept the kinds of changes which the international financial agencies want .
5 Clearly , should this occur , you will have little option but to wash the dog again .
6 Having little option , I took my seat beside him . ’
7 Once Royle had turned City down , Swales and his board had little option but to agree to Kendall 's terms .
8 Once Royle had turned City down , Swales and his board had little option but to agree to Kendall 's terms .
9 Whether or not in our time parents may be said to be justified by the sad statistics of the permissive society , it is certain that in the nineteenth century , parents had little option because of the sad statistics of mortality among children .
10 For example , in North Wales , Derbyshire and the main part-time farming areas ( North Yorkshire , Wester Ross and Orkney ) , the number who were confident in all stock tasks was fairly high , no doubt because they had little option but to tackle stock work .
11 Yet the cap on the compensatory award for unfair dismissal discussed in Chapter 17 meant that a significant number of executives had little option but to fight through the thickets of civil court procedure .
12 Janet had little option but to sit on his lap with her legs stretched over his .
13 Failing to find support from within the Danzig party or from Berlin , Rauschning had little option but to resign from both his post as Senate President and from membership of the Party .
14 According to Mrs Jones they had little option in the circumstances but to allow her decision a ‘ chance to fail ’ .
15 They were distinctly unenthusiastic at the prospect , but in the end had little option — the independents simply have to have something with which to challenge the BBC .
16 Those who could not contain their resentment had little option other than to emigrate .
17 Yet nearby landowners had little option other than to tolerate the threat to law and order which the existence of open villages implied because the closed parishes to some extent relied upon the open ones to provide a pool of reserve labour which could be used during periods of peak demand like harvest , but which would not at other times become a charge on the poor rate .
18 Left to her own devices , Lucy wondered what she should do next , then realised she had little option but to wait until she ran into Silas .
19 She had little option but to do so , nor do I think she was particularly amused . ’
20 Once informed of this , Ershad had little option but to announce his forthcoming resignation , which he did late on Dec. 4 , saying that he would resign as soon as the opposition had nominated an interim president who would replace him and supervise elections .
21 It is more remarkable that the religious houses survived so well than that they were faced with economic problems , and if they were sometimes regarded as grasping landlords , they had little option to be anything else .
22 Short-term contracts , performance review and performance-related pay for managers meant that they had little option in accepting finance driven agendas ( Harrison et al.
23 People receiving these words in a mood of sorrow , therefore , have little option but to shut out the emotionally distressing pictures that the words seem to convey .
24 Although , in principle , the communities of interest are allowed to raise in ‘ contributions ’ only the amounts agreed by the delegates from their member ‘ organizations or associated labour ’ , in practice , such organizations have little option but to agree with proposals presented to them by the community managers .
25 If you have failed to brief them properly then they have little option but to either put it on hold or send it back as it came out and let you sort it out .
26 Under these conditions we have little option other than to accept that we can do little more than look with envy towards those farmers in New Zealand making a living without the ‘ benefit ’ of subsidies .
27 These countries ' fiscal systems are so inefficient , it is argued , that their governments have little option but to actively employ the inflation tax .
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