Example sentences of "['s] eye [coord] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Edgar put out the ageing Donald 's eyes and consigned him to prison .
2 Even if she 'd dabbed Mummy 's eyes and wiped her brow with a hanky soaked in cologne .
3 Mike met his brother 's eyes and saw they were like steel .
4 The clear , vivid patterns excite the zebra 's eyes and give it a sensation of strong identity , as if it were the member of a football team or a sports club with conspicuous striped shirts .
5 I searched for Mick 's eyes and found them .
6 I caught Werewolf 's eye and knew it had to be me who had to ask .
7 Then he caught Taheb 's eye and lowered his own with a slight cough .
8 As the Colonel began to swell up with rage , Pooley caught Milton 's eye and shot him a warning glance .
9 McDunn comes back towards the car , catches Havell 's eye and beckons him .
10 Yanto silently caught Billy 's eye and flicked his own eyes to the right .
11 She caught Stephen 's eye and held it for a second .
12 Curtis met the younger man 's eye and held it .
13 Maggie was about to refuse but she caught that sceptical look in the count 's eye and changed her mind .
14 She bounced to the mirror to powder and tweak for a moment , catching Conroy 's eye and giving him a wink .
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