Example sentences of "['s] eye [verb] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Roman 's eyes gleamed and she pulled away , backing nervously until stopped by a bed .
2 Nutty 's eyes gleamed when she set eyes on the professional Sergeant Potter with four pistols in boxes and a load of shot and a thick wad of targets .
3 Over her supine body Andrew and Horatia 's eyes met and she took the initiative , knowing she had to get the better of the marquis straight away .
4 Bertha 's eyes widened as they turned to him .
5 The woman 's eyes widened as she took it , but at the first taste she thrust it at Juliet , pulling a face .
6 Joe 's eyes widened as he asked , ‘ You … you were thinking about getting married ? ’
7 Abruptly , the car breasted a small rise in front of a junction , and Howard 's eyes widened as he saw a man standing in the middle of the road , who , it seemed , they were about to run down .
8 The captain saw the corners of Joseph 's mouth tighten momentarily , then the American boy 's eyes widened and he pointed excitedly over the starboard rail .
9 Blanche 's eyes widened and she sat forward on the kitchen chair .
10 Theda 's eyes widened and she seemed to sway .
11 Lucy 's eyes widened and she pointed a finger at her own chest .
12 Ruth 's eyes widened and she could n't help but smile .
13 Sophie 's eyes widened and she sat bolt upright , staring incredulously at the calm figure sitting opposite .
14 Topaz 's eyes smouldered as they met her aunt 's .
15 The light of hope that had flickered in Tubby 's eyes died and he shook his head wearily .
16 Robyn 's eyes hardened as she remembered Mark 's words .
17 ’ Milton-Humberside 's eyes narrowed as he sipped his lethal cocktail of Foster 's lager and concentrated lime juice — a drink for gamblers , heartbreakers , hell-raisers .
18 The young man 's eyes narrowed as he tried to identify the speaker .
19 Naseby 's eyes narrowed as he indicated that this would be an early priority .
20 The sandy-haired man 's eyes narrowed as he took in the possessive gesture , but he made no comment on it .
21 Bernice 's eyes narrowed as she deliberately missed the point .
22 Shiona 's eyes narrowed as she elaborated tartly , ‘ But , of course , the arrangement was handy for you , too .
23 Roman 's eyes narrowed and she knew he was as aware of the electricity running between them as she was .
24 Harry 's eyes narrowed and he swayed from side to side , shooting malevolent glances back and forth between Tristram and Jennifer .
25 Lisabeth 's eyes clouded and I knew I 'd done enough .
26 someone 's eyes blazed as they burned words in their mouth .
27 Maria 's eyes blazed as she understood what he was asking .
28 The desperate woman 's eyes sparkled and she looked up at the crafty totter with new interest .
29 Tsu Ma 's eyes sparkled and his pure white teeth — strong , square , well-formed teeth — flashed a smile .
30 You used to see my my father 's eyes sparkle when he had his first pint of the day !
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