Example sentences of "[is] fair to assume that " in BNC.

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1 While it is fair to assume that the smaller the firm the greater the degree of subcontracting , even 50 per cent of firms with 100–300 workers were acting as suppliers to larger firms .
2 But it is fair to assume that every time he sees people outside his own immediate entourage , there will be some among them who have a deep desire for vengeance .
3 It is fair to assume that not everything in the emerging resistance ideology pleased de Gaulle .
4 Nevertheless , it is fair to assume that a clause such as the one identified above is at least potentially caught by s3 .
5 Mossad is different , but it 's fair to assume that if it has n't been able to put someone into Iraq to kill Saddam , then it 's next to impossible to do so .
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