Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] interim period " in BNC.

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1 During that interim period Doctor Who just took off with the Daleks in a way that none of us could have imagined , and after that there was no more discussion about it coming off the air .
2 Nevertheless , during this interim period , you can begin preliminary training , and start by fitting the puppy with a suitable collar .
3 Where a user makes a specific request to exercise their statutory right for an eyesight examination by an ophthalmic optician , either as an alternative to or in addition to the voluntary screening programme , then the request should be accommodated and during this interim period the user permitted to use an ophthalmic optician of their choice .
4 Where the user takes advantage of the voluntary vision screening programme and as a consequence of vision defects at the viewing distances used specifically for the display screen work concerned is recommended to have a full eyesight examination by an ophthalmic optician , then during this interim period , the user will be permitted to use an ophthalmic optician of their own choice .
5 Where the ophthalmic optician subsequently prescribes special corrective appliances solely to correct vision defects at the viewing distances used specifically for the display screen work concerned , and where normal corrective appliances ( ie those prescribed for any other purposes ) can not be used , during this interim period , a Head of Department will refund such costs up to a maximum of £50 .
6 The delegates also agreed that ( i ) during this interim period , President César Gaviria Trujillo should rule by decree aided by a committee of 18 to be elected by the Assembly on July 2 ; ( ii ) current government ministers and delegates of the Constituent Assembly would be barred from running for office ; and ( iii ) congressmen serving three or four consecutive terms would , in the future , be declared ineligible for further office but this norm would not be retroactive .
7 In that interim period of that work the draft P P G three came out , and made it quite clear that the new settlement would have to lie without beyond the outer edge of the greenbelt , and that was a fur a further consideration .
8 I think we owe it to people like or at least to give them another crack at the whip to see if they 've come on in that interim period cos it 's a good six months since we interviewed
9 [ They ] are used in this interim period in providing informal planning advice and guidance . ’
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